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Been Lurking, but now i hava a question.


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Hi and welcome to eNotalone


If she calls you, it's up to you. Either just take the call and say thanks chat for a few minutes, then get going. Or, just let the machine get it. It sounds like you need to heal. You have tried getting her back, that hasn't worked, so maybe it's time to start NC.


If she doesn't call you on your bd, then don't call her.


good luck

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My advice wouldbe to forget birthdays wishes etc. The whole break upis probably too raw for both of you and particularly now she is sort of seeing someone else, anything you do probably won't be taken in the right way.


In my experience, almost without exception the best thing to do in this situation is give the other person space. Nothing you do or say right now is likely to make any difference and she will not believe you have changed in such a short space of time.


Let the air clear for a while and re-assess things in a few weeks.

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My birthday is coming up on January 3rd. I am hoping my ex does not e-mail or call. I say you just stay away from all communication. I have not talked to my ex for about 11 days now and although I miss her, I am doing pretty good. Weather this guy is a jerk or not, she will have to experience that herself. My ex started dating someone and that is when I finally said no more contact. I have no idea how things are going and I can't worry about it. I did meet an amazing woman the other day and although expect we will become great friends, it is so nice to have someone else in my life. You need to move on and whatever is going to happen, will happen. If you wait around for your ex, then you will not have the opportunity to meet other great women.

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12 year relationship ended last month. No contact since apart from a text message from her on my Birthday 3 weeks ago.

To be honest it angered me as she's seeing someone else & was doing whilst we were still together! Happy Birthday you must be joking!!


It's her 30th in 2 days and it's been playing on my mind but after lots of advice I won't be sending anything to her nor will she hear from me over Christmas or New Year.

I still love her even after all she's put me through and it hurts like hell to not have contact but they've taken a decision to put you out of their life and you must let them taste life without you at the points where they will expect you to still be there for them.


Don't do it man.

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