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Depressed and confidence low...

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Ok, so I'm depressed. I said it, at least online. I can't quite tell anyone in person because I don't think they really want to be bothered with something like that. I'm in such a rut... I've posted before about this, but here I am again, still trying to get over it.


It's been 2+ years since my last relationship. Since then, my confidence level in women has decreased, decreased, and practically has disappeared. Along with that, my self esteem has taken a vacation to the Bermuda Triangle. People keep telling me to concentrate on things I enjoy and to improve myself. For example, I love to play basketball and work out. But the thing is, I can't do this 24/7. It's not like I can play basketball until I go to sleep. So here I am, typing away on my computer, feeling depressed again.


In fact, I think I'm developing some alcoholic tendencies. I enjoy drinking a couple beers before going to bed. At least until I feel a nice buzz. I dunno, I just want to regain my confidence. But I don't know how. Suggestions?

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Please don't take this the wrong way. STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF AND GET OUT AND DO THINGS THAT ARE FUN and that make u feel good.


Depression is a state of mind and you are feeling sorry for yourself. If you are so worried about being depressed go to the doctor and get a prescription that may help you get over your depression if it is a medical condition.


People break up everyday, if we allow ourselves to be depressed then we will be, if you decide to move on you will. Life is too short, enjoy what you can. Alcohol is o.k in moderation, as long as you don't drink so you forget.


Face your fears head on, don't hide behind them.

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Please don't take this the wrong way. STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF AND GET OUT AND DO THINGS THAT ARE FUN and that make u feel good.


Depression is a state of mind and you are feeling sorry for yourself. If you are so worried about being depressed go to the doctor and get a prescription that may help you get over your depression if it is a medical condition.


People break up everyday, if we allow ourselves to be depressed then we will be, if you decide to move on you will. Life is too short, enjoy what you can. Alcohol is o.k in moderation, as long as you don't drink so you forget.


Face your fears head on, don't hide behind them.


I believe you are ill-informed.



I would suggest that if you think you are depressed - go and see a doctor.

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The best way to get out of depression, is to get out and do something. Just by staying active, will you feel so much better. So as newt said, go and continue to play basketball, but look for something else. Why not exercise or some other hobby you enjoy? And as he stated darklue, his depression was because of a relationship. There are different states of depressions, it does not mean he has to see a doctor, yet. As long as he tries first, then he has a chance. Good luck!

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Exercising is good...keeps ur stress levels low..even tho i never stick to that.....seek help str8 away cos depression will not suddenly simply go away by just going out and having fun. This will make things easier and better though but at this moment remember that u r not alone and the only way is up from here

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