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When did you say the 'L' word?

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My partner and I met online... with me being not at all interested in a relationship after a messy divorce. She kinda snuck under my radar and captivated me before I really knew what was going on. I pledged my love to her with flowers and myself on her doorstep in a Tux after realising no one else colored my life as she has done. Believe me, if you truly love someone you will know and want them to know too. This was several months after we met online.

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When someone is hurt, by someone they love, they put up walls and it makes it difficult for others to break them down.


I honestly would just wait, or what you could say to him.


Is I know I love you, and it is fine you dont have to tell me now, just when you feel you are ready. I am not going anywhere, I am here because I love you. And care about you alot.


Maybe if you tell him its ok not to tell you right away it will take some of the pressure off him.

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When someone is hurt, by someone they love, they put up walls and it makes it difficult for others to break them down.


I honestly would just wait, or what you could say to him.


Is I know I love you, and it is fine you dont have to tell me now, just when you feel you are ready. I am not going anywhere, I am here because I love you. And care about you alot.


Maybe if you tell him its ok not to tell you right away it will take some of the pressure off him.


This is what I initially thought. I'll probably end up waiting because I know right now I couldn't take the rejection.


But what boggles my mind is how long I should wait. I've told myself that if by the 1 year point nothing has prevailed I will say it and face the heartbreak. Because let's face it, if he doesn't love me by then something isn't right.


I'm trying to look at his actions more than anything else. So as it stands at the moment, I think there's been some progress. And I'm pretty sure with the way I act he can sense how I'm feeling.

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Confessoress -


When you feel it is right then say it! That is when the time is right!


I told my boyfriend that I had strong feelings for him. And that I did care for him. This was about Feburary of this year! And in April I think he said he loved me!


And you know what even if it takes a year, sometimes people just dont think about it. When I was 14-17 I was with Jon, I never really realized I loved him until I was 15-16 and that is when I moved about 860 miles away. We did the LDR for 9 months then I moved back. It took me about a year and half to tell him I loved him! And he told me way before that! We broke up because we went in different ways. But I still love him to this day, because of the type of person he is. And he is a sweet guy! He was my first love I will never forget him!

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I told my ex about a month and a half into the relationship. We were friends beforehand and I knew I was in love with her before we started seeing each other. I bought her a rose dipped in glass and told her on a planned date how much I loved her. I even wrote it all down and gave her the letter after reading it to her. UGGHH these f*cking holidays suck a**.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know this is a common question that has been asked in various forms, but I was wondering, after what amount of time did you tell you partner you loved them?


I'm interested to see what the average amount of time is.


At the time, even though I felt it, I didn't wan't to say it, but I did. Now I wish I would have waited longer to say it. When ever I have another relationship I will wait a good while before I say , * **** ***. One must realise those are strong words your speaking.

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i said it after 4 weeks. and i knew i wouldnt get a reply back because he's a type of a person who doesnt do things like that. yet once he said it 2 weeks afterwards...i knew it was for real...


people have different schedules with their hearts, some are quick, some are long, and some are confused. if you know you love someone tell them and dont hesistate, i mean you dont love them just to be loved in return do you?

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Against all my advice on eNotalone, I pretty much was the first one to say it...and only three weeks into the relationship. Actually, what I said was: "I want to say something that's too soon to say." He responded by throwing his arms around me and saying, "I love you, too!"

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