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Finger banged?????

Cecil de Volange

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Well, the title says it already and it's very embarrassing, but I was finger banged for the first time last night. My boyfriend was doing it hard and yeah....it was awesome!!!!!!!! I can't believe that I have never experince anything like this before. Now, the question is....Am I still a virgin??????????? like I'm just worried, I dunno why, but I havent' been this intimate before, like it was the MOST WONDERFUL experience ever!!!!!! but still, I value my virginity...now am I a virgin or not????? Please don't mock, I'm new at this.

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Ahem... er, this is a strange one to respond to but I'll try. You are exploring new ways of sexual enjoyment... no doubt about that. Can you tell a new partner down the road that you've never had sex? If you feel that you're a virgin until having sex with a man.. then you're ok for now. But how is finger banging different than say... using a dildo other than using someone elses finger? You can definitely break a hymen that way... which is the traditional " Virgin " mark. So I guess it comes down to how you feel about that. What if you were a lesbian? What does a lesbian decide makes her not a virgin anymore? I could go round and round here... But, for me, being traditional a virgin is such until they have intercourse with a man. Call me wise or foolish, just my opinion.

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I agree that the general definition of a virgin is someone who has not had sexual intercourse, i.e. the penetration of the vagina by the penis.


Of course there are always different interpretations, but I think it's pretty standard.


BTW--- I LOVE Dangerous Liasons! What a FAB movie!!!

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I agree that the general definition of a virgin is someone who has not had sexual intercourse, i.e. the penetration of the vagina by the penis.


Of course there are always different interpretations, but I think it's pretty standard.


BTW--- I LOVE Dangerous Liasons! What a FAB movie!!!


And, generally, the hymen should be broken - although it can often be broken for other reasons, like strenuous physical exertion.

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vir·gin link removed ( P ) link removed (vûrimage removedjimage removedn)


  1. A person who has not experienced sexual intercourse.
  2. A chaste or unmarried woman; a maiden.
  3. An unmarried woman who has taken religious vows of chastity.
  4. Virgin The Virgin Mary.
  5. Zoology. A female insect or other arthropod that produces fertile eggs without copulating.

Seems that websters already has this one covered.

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now don't get e wrong, in no way am I mocking you, but the term "finger banged", is probably one of the funniest things/terms that I have ever heard. talk about taking the sensuality out of something by using the wrong term....I prefer if anything just plain "fingering" it doesn't sound so demorilizing. "finger banging" ha ha ha I just have to laugh at that word over and over again. please do not in any way take offense to this, I am in no way laughing at you or your questin, just the terminology!

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I would say its whatever you consider a virgin to be, not someone else's definition or ideas. How would YOU classify someone else in your shoes? Too many vagues issues here....... I mean you can spin the "Clinton'esque' view however it fits you.... Everyone has there own definition....... you make the decision..

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Just to add a little humour:


Caviar comes from virgin sturgeon.

A virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish.

Virgin sturgeon need no urgin'--

That's why caviar is my dish!


Have you heard about the Sturgeon,

Russia's source of food supply?

Virgin sturgeon need no urgin'--

And here's the reason why:


Years ago, when we were tadpoles

In pale-o-zoic slime,

No one needed any urgin'

And we all had lots of time.


Later, when the times were changing,

Moral laws became the rule,

Fishes had to curb their ardour

And they couldn't cut the fool.


Time went on and things grew neutral

To the very earthy urge,

And it took a lot of urgin'

To promote a social merge.


But one fish retained its virtue,

Had its frolic all the day.

Virgin sturgeon need no urgin',

And here's how they got that way:


Deep down in the briny waters,

Lived a gal named Sturgeon Lil.

Lil had never thought of mergin'

'Til she met a guy named Bill.


Missed it cuz she needed urgin';

Wasn't ready for the test.

Made a vow that she'd be ready

For the thrill that she loved best.


Bill had set her heart a-thumping

With desire for all that's nice.

Made her warm and very willing

To give in and pay the price.


Now, that's why the Virgin Sturgeon

Always heeds the mating call.

For Virgin Sturgeon need no urgin'--

Ain't love grand? so say we ALL!

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Although I believe it is a certain amount of symantics (sp?), you are definitely a virgin. I do think it is all based on opinions, upbringing, society and religion. There are certain cultures where the women have anal sex so that they will still remain virgins. Pretty strange, but whatever works. Just think of it this way...a guy can't say he had sex with a woman, if he only fingered her. Well, I guess we are now talking about what "is" "is". Just a Bill Clinton quote. lol By the way, if I offended anyone, I was just being light hearted and joking, but do believe you are still a virgin.

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