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What is my body saying?

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This has been going on for as long as I can remember pretty much, but it's really starting to get annoying now! When I drink/eat milk, yogourt, cheese, eggs(...), I get diarhea or my stomach starts hurting or I feel like I might be sick( though I never).

DOes anyone have any idea what's wrong with me?

Thx in advance!

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i can relate to this, it could be lactose BUT, my dad has the same things and isnt lactose he ahs wat is called IBS Irretable Boul Syndrome and it causes the same things so he cant have ice cream, or milk or cheese unless taking lactade medicine, jsut do that before u have any of those and you should be ok.

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Go and see your doctor, and until then, avoid dairy products.

Soya milk can be used instead of cow's milk, etc.


Stay away from:

bread and other baked goods

processed breakfast cereals

instant potatoes, soups and breakfast drinks


lunch meats (other than kosher)

salad dressings

candies and other snacks

mixes for pancakes, biscuits, cookies, etc.


And any other foodstuff containing lactose.

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