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The Young Days Are Over

romantic sweetheart

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The young days are over

Over forever

The gods close up the skies

And seal all our sighs


The rocks push up from earth

It is the end of all birth

Last kisses are kissed

Sand slips through our fists


Waves become wings

Drowning sweet things

And talking is ceased

Of man and beast


The romance is over

Over forever

Hands loose from hands

Canyons separate the lands


Winds blow from the west

We lay in eternal rest

Buried in the ground

No colour or sound


We loved once each other

Then torn cruelly asunder

Rest to the broken souls

While the death bell tolls


When life is ended

Something is mended

Eyes pressed closed

No more tears flow


No sound, just light

Giving way to the night

And lying in wait

For some happier fate


Between the here and now

Smooth the furrowed brow

Honour us our rest

Do not weep for our death


The hurt and the wound

Will be over soon

Roses bloom in the east

Thorns coexist with peace


So our lives did stand

For something just as grand

We meant to live forever

Twin flames must go together


When young days are over

over forever

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My longing comes from a desire to find peace in a world that is constantly in flux. I am juggling so many things that something needs to drop. It also stems from decisions I made earlier in life that affect me now. I also long for the woman I love who is now gone, a reality that is fresh and tough to accept.

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