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Gaining experience in Marketing- please reply

Double J

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Hi all,


About 3 months ago, I switched my major from Accounting to Marketing. I realized that I have a genuine passion for the study of consumer behavior, which is also why I'm minoring in Psychology.


I've done a great deal of research on what careers in this field would suit me the most, and undoubtedly, Market Research (Analyst) rings a bell.


Now that I'm taking my marketing classes, I'm trying to gain some valuable experience in the working world as well. Via my university's career services website, I applied to several marketing-related jobs.


A few weeks ago, a real estate company responded to my resume submission. This is an internship position as a sales and marketing assistant. The president (who interviewed me) loved my references and seemed very interested, considering that she called a few times and already asked how many hours I'd like to work, etc. The interview went well, and she asked me to return next week to receive an orientation on how to use the system, to familiarize myself with the tasks, etc. Some of these tasks include, but are not limited to: Prospect follow-ups, Opening properties/Presenting published information, Entering 'Daily Calls', Running property searches, Running monthly reports, Entering new listings of land & buildings, Editing/Create/Marketing collaterall, Maintaining/updating and creating mail lists, Typing Proposals, Leases, Contracts, etc.


This internship is set to last a few months, and depending on my progress, it may turn into a permanent position. Next semester, I also plan to join the American Marketing Association chapter on campus.


My question is - do you feel i'm properly "getting my feet wet," so to speak, in this area? None of the job listings in the career services site deal DIRECTLY with market research, so I feel this would be a good start. I really like the place because it's a small office and all. I just want to make sure I'm heading in the right direction..


Responses welcome, thanks

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I think this would be a very good opportunity for you, I'd take the internship. After all, companies are often more interested in your experience in the field than what you studied, and of course the combination of studies and experience is a golden formula so to say.


Go for it!!





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Double J,

Sounds like you're on the right track. The more areas you learn and work in regarding your field, the more overall knowledge you'll have. I'm almost positive you will learn something in this job that will help you in future jobs. Also, you may find that you like this particular area of marketing and end up doing that instead of Market Research. Even if you do go into market research, this will no doubt help you learn more about how it all works. The more relevant experiences you have in your field, the better decisions you will be able to make down the road. Good luck.

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