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She broke up with me because she was lesbian.


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She was lesbian when we started dating.

For 2 months, she was bi.

And then she broke up with me because I was a guy, and that was causing problems.

3 or 4 months later, she tells me that it was because I'm a guy.

This is the second time this has happened to me.

Why must I always attract lesbians?

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If it happens a third time, I would be worried about your image that you portray to women. Maybe you are coming accross as too girlie. If that is the case, you just need to take steps to act more masculine and more mature. Think about what a strong male role model does (maybe an older guy with more dating experience can give you tips) and act more like him.

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If it happens a third time, I would be worried about your image that you portray to women. Maybe you are coming accross as too girlie. If that is the case, you just need to take steps to act more masculine and more mature. Think about what a strong male role model does (maybe an older guy with more dating experience can give you tips) and act more like him.


Maybe he's sending off the wrong vibe but it doesn't necessarily mean he isn't masculine enough. Maybe he;s just so sweet and kind that they can't help but like him despite the fact that they're lesbians.


My advice: Be yourself.


And don't get involved with lesbians.

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I don't suggest dating lesbians unless you are a lesbian


Perhaps you are more sensitive than other men, but more likely she just wanted to experiment with men (that does happen) and since you were willing to date a lesbian, then perhaps she just went for it. You HAD to have known the risks getting involved?

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I did know the risks, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't just experimenting. If she had been experimenting, we would have kissed more than once or twice every week. (I saw her practically every day) I may seem like I'm in denial... but I dont know. I'm weird like that.

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I've known dozens of lesbians I've been attracted to. Maybe women who aren't into marriage, kids and makeup look good to me.


As far as you being a girlie-man, that's bull. Nobody should go through life acting a gender role. Be yourself, you don't need to strut and act like a studly guy. I'm alway suspicious of guys that try to project a macho swagger. What are they hiding?

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