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purely potential and nothing else


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Hi all, this is my first post here.

I am a 21 yo asian female just about to finish university with an IT degree. Problem is i just studied through uni but have no IT skills, or ANY employable skills whatsoever, thereforeeee rendering my degree useless. Its basically a piece of paper on my wall for my parents to look at. I am just an average person who has nothing outstanding to distinguish myself to get a good job. I am one of those people who has no passions or real interests in life. I envy those who have a passion in life, in which many of my friends do; and they have at least some sort of direction. I hate to sound like I'm bragging and please don't hate, but my looks is all that I have on a positive note, so basically I am all image. On the outside everyone portrays me as intellegent and looking somewhat classy, but on the inside there is absolutely nothing except a good heart, which will get me nowhere careerwise. I have absolutely no confidence because I was brought up in a negative household, my parents constantly being warned of taking risks and dangers, so thereforeeee I feel inferior. I'm constantly being compared to other people around my age. I know that ultimately that this can be changed as it is purely a mental constraint not a physical one, but I'm having alot of trouble gaining this confidence because I have nothing to be proud of. I am timid, shy, with no skills or talents, but I long for success careerwise. Please advise!


nb: Sorry I've listed a whole string of problems under the one post.

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It's all right. To be proud of something, we need to have skills. I am sure you some. No one is completely devoid of some talent that they possess. Search for that. As for shyness, socialization is one way to get over it, or not let fear control you. Even though you've finished College, you're still pretty young. You still have time to search for what you want to do in life and maybe take some time to think about it. Get a part time job in mean time and use the other time to enjoy yourself and gain confidence. Good luck.

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