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For a while now I have noticed that my mood changes a lot during a day. I can wake up in the morning and feel terrible, worrying about nothing in particular but by lunch I can feel pretty good. The by the end of the day I can feel really bad again. It doesn't always follow this pattern as it can go up and down during the day, some days I'll feel fine all day.


I know I over analyise things but it's difficult to stop as I'm at work all and my job is very boring.


I have heard that people who suffer from some kind of bi-polar problems can have mood swings. It is possible I have this? Possibly just mildly?


Thanks for any help.

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It is possible that if you if you only worry ata certain times, than you might have bi-polar. There is medication for this and counseling too. I suggest do some research before you officially decide anything. As for ways to clam yourself without worry, than I suggest just not to think about being worried. Good luck.

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Hi Ross!


I interview people for all kinds of Mood Disorders and Personality Disorders and from what you wrote, it does not sound like Bi-Polar at all. Bi-Polar is a very serious mood disorder and there is more to it than mood swings.


During a manic phase:


There are hospitializations, severe impairment of daily functioning, severe bouts of depression, and elevations of mood. During that time, a person cannot sleep for days, does not eat for days, feels extremely high for days, has great ideas and then does not follow through, extremely irratible, picks fights, at least for one week (hypo-mania is at least for 4 days), a person can spend money very irrationally, make rash decisions, does things that get him/herself into trouble.


During Depressive States


Person can feel extremely suicidal, loss of appetitie or gain in appetite, loss of pleasure in activities, isolation, crying. Basically there is a severe impairment in one's usual and daily activities and this has to go on at least for two weeks if not longer. Bi-polar disorder tends to run in families and believe me, when you meet someone with bi-polar, you will know it, more so when he or she is not taking their medication. My grandfather has it and it has been tough on my grandma, especially during his manic phase. Once she went to Florida without him and when she came back, he bought a brand-new car, another time when she was out of town, he bought a house and wanted to fix it up.


I mean, it's a good idea to keep track of how you are feeling and when these feelings change. Does any kind of mood disorder run in your family? Maybe if your mood swings get so bad or bothersome, it wouldn't hurt to have your doctor to refer you to someone, it nevers hurts to have it checked out. I hope this helped and I hope you feel better soon.

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thanks for the replies.

I can usually get through my daily business without too much problem. Although at times I just have to stop have a quick cry in the bathroom to let it out.

I am seeing a community counsellor who does cognetive behaviour therapy but is unfortunately on holiday until next week.

At the beginning of the year I went to my doctor about depression and I was put on Citalopram but I did not like it at all as it seemed to completely numb all emotions and I couldn't work things out.


there is a history of depression in my family.


I just like to know why I feel this way, whether it is a proper medical condition or chemical imbalance or if it's just the way my mind thinks about things.

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It could be that you have some mild form of depression, called dysthymia. It's a kind of chronic but mild form of depression that comes and goes. If it runs in your family then it's a good idea to have it checked out either by a psychiatrist or psychologist. If you are put on medication, then it is important to get proper treatment from a doctor and a social worker, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Anti-depressants are serious business and it's important to have it properly monitored by medical professionals.

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I see that there has been mention of bi-polar syndrome in response to your message, and I'm glad to hear that you are seeking out some help.


After I had my daughter, I quickly started to get depressed and upset over the littlest things, became suicidal and immediately sought help the day I planned on killing myself and my daughter. I had a very severe case of post-partum depression, but the psychiatrist I was seeing decided it wasn't ppd, but that I was bi-polar. I had to switch therapists and after thorough testing (which wasn't done by the previous therapist) found out that I wasn't bipolar, yes I had ppd, and I also have what is called "rapid cycling". It's a form of bi-polar in a way that you have mood swings. But the difference between the two being that with bi-polarism, you may have those mood swings only a few times a year. A lot of psychiatrists won't tell you that, but instead want to find a quick fix to your problems. Rapid cycling is having those mood swings SEVERAL times a DAY. You wake up feeling ok, get cranky/happy/angry/etc for absolutely no reason, back to ok..all within an 5 hour time period.


Anyway...definitely talk to your dr about what's going on so you can get the help that you need and want.

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I agree with kellbell. I do not think is bipolar disorder. Biploar disorder is more severe. I too think this is likely a mild form of depression.


I was "best friends" since 6th grade with someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a teen. Here's just one example of the severity of it:


Her down weeks: She contemplated suicide. Slept all day and night. Withdrew herself socially from her friends and family. I could not get her to leave the house


Her up weeks: She was in a mania. She was up all night and couldn't sleep. She would call me extremely excited and wanted to talk for HOURS about this great new book she was writing and how she was going to change the world. She wanted to go out dancing all night long.


When she was down- she was REALLY down- when she was up ,she was soaring over the earth and coudln't release her energy quick enough.


Your mood changes are not that severe, thankfully. It seems you can get through everyday life, but that you have a lingering depression that causes you to feel down in the dumps now and then- and you need that good cry to release it.


I do agree with the others that you should talk to your doctor about it. Maybe you can talk to a counselor, drugs don't always have to be the solution. In fact- I experienced a simlar depressive-state myself , about a year or so ago. I would find myself crying over the stupidest things and I NEVER cry. I knew something was up. I personally didn't seek counseling because I wanted to try natural solutions first. I also didn't turn to drugs- I turned to mediation, yoga, exercise, diet changes, etc. and I feel great now.


I think to explore this further- you should first keep a daily journal and record when you feel down/feel like crying, and what tends to trigger that. You may notice some kind of pattern that can give you further insight into yourself.



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