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hate not knowing what to do with my life

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hey guys


i am completely lost in life!! i have no idea what to do. I am doing first year pshychology although i cant make myself get down to the work. i cant face writing essays and have no clue how to write anyway. i just have depression and just wana curl up in bed. my eating disorder also completely gets in the way to the point i think i cant do anything with my life. I know if i go back home i wont have a clue what to do. I havent learnt to drive yet, although dont have the money to anyway. I hate feeling this way. i feel so insecure. its like i dont want to face life, i am worried what will happen to me in the future, when i think about things i just dont want to be here.

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Searching for what do in life, can be one of life's greatest strugglest. I suggest try to think of things that interest you. If psychology doesn't, than perhaps something else. All I can think of is keeping thinking of something that might interest you. As long as you can find something to give your life purpose, than you should be fine. Good luck.

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With it being your first year in college, many students use that as the year to try to figure out exactly what career direction they want to take. I don't know about in England, but it is soooo common here in the States to change your major during the course of college years no matter what year you are in. With regard to not knowing how to write your essays, I would suggest you take a writing course. It may be a prerequisite down the road and this way you have accomplished two things: you are learning to write to help you in your courses and second, you have taken care of a possible prerequisite for future courses.


Out of assumption, are you bulimic? Regardless of what eating disorder you have, you need to get yourself into counseling...they should have on campus counseling available to you. Although you need to get help regardless, if your eating disorder is preventing you to function in a normal daily life you need to get to the root of why you have this disorder so that you can function. This is also more than likely where your depression is stemming from.


I find it curious your quotes in your signature. Are these for your self motivation? I only ask because you have chosen quotes that are very inspirational

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yeh the quotes are meant to motivate me!


of a time last year when i was low, i knew that to my closest family and friends if i was hurting myself i was destroying them too. If i was the world to them i was destroying their world.


also experiences you go through make you stronger. my depression i have had hasnt killed me, i am still here, i still battled through it. I am still batterling through my ed. I eneded up in hospital due to it not long ago and was thinking the worse of the worse....


and the last one if something goes wrong in life it doesn't matter that it has happens as its how you deal with it that matters.


i could look at this as a way to think i cant do anything, or i could look at it as a way to say so that wasn't right, what can i do now?what doors can i open?!


god i really oughta look at them quotes more often! cant believe how down i am. im pathetic!!!!!!


S x

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you are in college, i suppose. Im going through something similar, PM me if you want to talk, I am sure my own situation will help you out too. But Ive realized one thing lately: we get depressed and feel hopeless bc we can't see the solution to the problems we are facing. But somethimes we are so caught up in the "problem" that we blind ourselves to the easy solutions that are sitting in front of our very eyes...

Well good luck, and you can PM me if you want to talk, bc I can't give you all the answers since I am going through the same thing, but maybe share thooughts i guess.

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A lot of people who study psychology and the like start having second thoughts in their first year. This is because it's a lot to have to handle, and I can understand why you can be depressed from this.


I am studying Counselling at the moment and they ask for a lot of examples, it has dredged up memories that I have kept suppressed for so long, and yes, it does make you depressed.


Find activities and hobbies that can make you laugh, make you happy and get your mind off your studies.


No one really knows what they want out of life - sometimes we can even set the bar too high! Just relax. You will find your calling, it just takes time.


Moving back home wouldn't be a bad idea - you need support from your family and friends, and I am sure that they would rather you be with them in your time of need rather than on the street or in trouble... and don't feel weak for asking for help.


You do need to get out of your eating disorder though, but this CAN be done. I had a small problem with bulimia during high school (I think this was brought on by peer pressure) and then it turned more serious once my stepdad died - I struggled with this for two years... it took something significant to bring me out of it...


Just stay positive about your life..EVERYONE makes their own imprint and trail in life, and you might not even know what path you are on at the moment, but don't worry about it too much, you will find your place in our world, I promise

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