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I feel so low right now, I havent felt like this in a long time... But today, I feel really low and ugly. I hate the way I look, I always feel so discouraged when I go out, like today I went out with my friend and no guy looked at me! (Well thats how i felt) NONE! I feel so ugly, I want to change what I look like, I want to transform...I know I sound really DumB but I cant help it. I have no confidence or self esteem, and when I actually do get attention for the oppistite sex I always think its for the wrong reason, eg my hair is messy, my makeup is running, my clothes make me look fat, i am fat...whatever!!!


I cant help feeling this way, my friends are going out this weekend and want to go with them, but I dont want to beacuse I feel unattractive, I feel low and feel like I stand out because of it.


I hate feeling this way!! Any ideas on how to overcome this crazy CRAZY state of mind!!! Please, its destroying my social life!!

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Think about what you like about yourself and emphasize that. Everyone is good at something and I am sure you are too. I doubt your that bad looking and I am sure someone will like you. A good way to boost confidence is also think about ways you are beautiful. That way you can truly get a good idea of what makes you who you are. Good luck.

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