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Okay, this is weird!

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HI everyone!


This situation is very confusing for me first of all. There's this guy that I'm somewhat friends with at school (fresno state). (we,ve known each other for about 3 months) I like him more than a friend, but my intention is just to keep the friendship relationship smooth for now since I'm going to be attending another school next month and it wouldn't make any sense to establish a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship in these circumstances. Well, my feelings for him have grown too strong and I like him so much and I'm afraid to tell him. This has been bothering me for so long that I keep telling myself,


"I'm going to another school next month and I might not even see this guy again anyway. I should realize that this is just an infatuation that will pass. Hmmm, I should say bye to him now since i hardly ever see him at school anyway and I only have a few more days left here."


It turns out that this plan didn't go as planned! He got angry, in a fun loving weirded out way! He was like,


" I know that you're going away next month, but that doesn't mean we can't talk on the phone. You got me all worried about you. I was thinking, ' where the hell is she going now telling me goodbye', I don't want to hear that garbage anymore."---


He wasn't forceful or demanding when he said this, but it just shocked me because I didn't realize that he had such strong feelings for me. It seems that he doesn't want to "lose" me or something. Why would this be? any input would be appreciated. If you want more details let me now. this all occurred last night so it's still fresh in my mind. thanks

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