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Man **** normal.

Normal is only what we make of it.

Just as we define ourselves after we acknowledge our existence.

People spend too much time in their lives just trying to be normal.

Such a waste how people are all striving towards a similar status perceived by others.

Such a waste how no one wants to break out of the normal rut and open up their mind or to think out of the box.

People, to me, are just generic. Like a store brand food you buy at some grocery store.

Every person is just one generic item sitting in the midst of several generic items.

From looking at the aisle as a whole, it looks so absurd.

You see a bunch of generic items interacting with each other like freakin' lemmings.

There is no thought. There is nothing other than matter it seems.

Their normal-hood can be almost by defined by physical phenomena it seems.

Since they might as well not ever acknowledge their conscious.

That voice that speaks to us every day and yet we don't know how to express to others what we hear from it.

We are what we make ourselves.

Want to be normal? Fine. No problem.

But don't expect me to ever be impressed by you nor even have any interest in interacting with you unless I have to.

Yes, I know. Pretty harsh. What can I say.

What can I gain from getting to know you if all you do in your life is being a conformist?

I've already met the other thousands of conformists.

I don't need to meet another.

Talk to me when you begin to realize that there is a force in us.

A force that transcends the brain to acknowledge the diversity of possible scenarios resulting from one's everyday choices.

In other words, talk to me when you leave the group of lemmings.

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People spend too much time in their lives just trying to be normal.


I totally agree. I hate that such a large percentage of the population doesn't fathom that many of their ideals that they cling to have been spoon fed to them their entire lives. Look how much damage the media has done over the years in warping our perspectives of ourselves and others. There are FAR too many sheeple walking around this planet for my taste. Now, who wants to go colonize mars?

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Let's all conform to non-conformity


Ah, but then aren't we just doing the very thing we are against? If people start to switch away from "normal" at what point does that become the "normal" thing to do? And are we doing it for the right reasons? Are we doing it because this is really who we are? Or are we doing it just for the sake of not being "normal?"


There is nothing wrong with being normal, it just depends on what your definition of normal is. If your definition is whatever seems to be "in" at the moment, then normal isn't anything special and nothing that should be sought. But if your definition of normal is whatever is right for you and whatever comes naturally to you, then that is fine. Everyone is "normal," at least normal for them.


To many choose to be non conformists just because its the cool thing to do. But in doing that they are really conforming to the ideas of being a non conformist.

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I was jokin' around, but hey what you say is pretty good too.


I am referring to the people who watch television, watch movies, listen to music, try to be like other people so much that they just lose sight of themselves and they get lost in the maze full of lemmings. It doesn't have to be those things. Those are just examples.


I assure you that non-conformity is the coolest thing ever to do. Nah just kiddin'. I was actually just kind of speaking my mind last night even if it was something potentially offensive. I just think that there is a creative nature within all of us and that most of the time it never ends up being used. If you want me to elaborate more on that then feel free to ask.

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I agree entirely. I think people waste so much potential just following the masses. I notice it all the time.


But I think that the only true way to stop conforming is to just not care one way or the other about whatever normal is. If you like something, fine. Whether or not its "hip." If you don't, fine too. Just as long as you are doing it because you honestly want to and not because of outside factors influencing you.

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But I think that the only true way to stop conforming is to just not care one way or the other about whatever normal is.

I agree with this.


People who conform are stuck in the trends of society.

People who are 'non-conformist', typically end up at the other extreme of the spectrum - avoiding conformist values at all costs.

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