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Why do girls like to do this?


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Hi everyone!!! Wassup? I've been browsing through the forums for quite a while now, and you guys are simply great! I've got a little problem here, I hope all of you can help me with this!


There's this girl in my study group whom I've known for 2-3 weeks. But she's giving me conflicting signals!


There was this time she texted us on our cell, her text to other members will be like "Hi Guys, let's meet up at blah blah blah". But my text was different! She started out "Hi Nick! let's meet up at blah blah (and the rest of the message was same)"


I would like to think that she is at least attracted to me, but both times when the group met up, and she saw that the two of us were the first to reach, she found an excuse to go to the ladies!!!


What do all this mean?

1. Does the "special" text mean anything?

2. Why is she avoiding me when we're alone if she likes me?


BTW, She seems to be the "Ice Queen" type. Cool, aloof in school. She isn't that shy when doing presentations in school (she seems rather confident in fact...) but in front of guys, i'm not to sure


Can anyone give me some advice? Much appreciated!!!! THanks!!!!

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Since you are in a study group you do not want to get in an uncomfortable situation. You are going to see this girl a lot and if she is not interested, it could get messy. You might ask if she wants to get a cup of coffee and discuss the material. If the two of you talk about other things, then you might ask her out. Just be respectful and don't put yourself in a corner. If you hang out and have a good talk, then ask if she might want to go out with out talking about school. You will know right away. If she says no, just say no problem I just wanted to get to know you. That is a tough situation.



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I don't know if you'd like a female perspective on this or not, but...


As a woman in engineering where 80% of my classmates are male I've been thru this study group thing. I am an Ice Queen when it comes to my work cuz thats what I'm good at and enjoy. At times my confidence level is near arrogance but when you do the crap I do you need balls. Anywho, confidence in one aspect of my life doesn't transfer to others, I am a wreck when it comes to personal relationships with men. School can be an major focus, but your friend may like you and is just unsure of herself, the only way to know is to ask. I've been asked out by several guys I've studied with, it didn't make it weird for me, it just was like 'Oh, he likes me', not a big deal.

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You are definitely trying to read too much into this. Just because she texted you one day with your name instead of the study group in general in no way says she likes you. She could just as easily have done that for any number of reasons. Also, this does not mean that she isn't interested either. It's nothing.


You said that you are receiving mixed signals from her but that's only because it's all in your head. Too many guys get confused with trying to recognize "signals" from women. Don't believe me? Go to the Dating Forum and read my thread about "FRIENDZONE". I have like 7 or 8 threads on there that I found in 10 minutes where guys kept trying to find signals that a girl was interested and none of them turned out to be what they thought. Guys really need to give up on this "recognizing signal" stuff. If you are interested in a girl then get a specific date and time in mind, and then go ask her out on a date. You want her answer? Then once you do this you will have it. The answer might not come out of her mouth, but you will definitely get her answer from her actions. For instance:


If she says "Yes" and goes out with you, then she is interested.


If she says "Yes" but then cancels the date and doesn't bother trying to reschedule with you, then she is not interested.


If she says she is busy but works with you to reschedule, then she is interested.


If she says she is busy but doesn't counter offer then chances are she is not interested.


If she cancels planned dates on you, then her interest level is very low, not to mention that is plain rude and you should move on regardless.


If she comes up with any number of excuse which all lead to her not actually going out on a date with you, then she is not interested.


Those are all the signs you need. If you don't ask and you keep trying to read into all of her little actions then you are only going to confuse yourself and waste time. Ask her out.

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