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OK, this is a poem I've just written for my boyfriend. Recently we split up because he wants to go out and be single for a bit. I understand why, we've been together a long time and at the moment we need our space. I'm just alittle confused whether we ever will get back together and when that will be. Please give me some feedback! It's quite long but please read it! Ok here it goes


(Oh by the way, the names in the last verse are our pet names lol, embarrassing!)


This past year…


Everyday I sit and think,

Of how we used to be,

Always together and never apart,

Just us, just you and me.


It never really occurred to me,

But now I understand what I’ve lost,

I took everything for granted,

And now I’m paying the cost.


I know now what I’m missing,

The love from you everyday,

I hope that it will come back to me,

But I know you’re going your way.


This time last year I was with you,

I can say this everyday for one year,

But what about next November,

When that day will be getting near?


November the 10th I’ll never forget it,

It will be cherished forever in my heart,

I’ll remember it as our day,

The day we’d no longer be apart.


But after a year it’s all changing,

It’s started, it's all going wrong,

I need you right now Sam, my baby,

Cause you’ve never been gone quite so long.


There’s no one out there who’s like you,

Your unique, you’re a one of a kind,

You’re different to everyone else,

Your faultless and so undefined.


The night I met you I was amazed,

With your sexy hair and mysterious eyes,

I wanted to get to know you,

You we’re so funny and gorgeous and wise.


You noticed me too I was special you say,

Just how I felt about you,

You grabbed my hand and I smiled,

I was experiencing something new.


I kissed you and felt so wanted,

I knew I wanted to see you again,

I hardly even knew you,

I didn’t even know your name.


It’s funny how one kiss can turn into something,

How one week can turn into love,

With you and me it was different,

Something everyone is dreaming of.


For you and me it just happened,

We don’t really know how it did,

I think that we’ve been so lucky,

To find love when we’re still just young kids.


You keep telling me it’s too young to be in love,

There’s nothing you want me to miss,

But people can wait a whole lifetime,

To find something exactly like this.


I understand where you’re coming from,

I understand you don’t want us to miss out,

But why can’t we have each other as well,

I promise I won’t start to doubt.


When I went to Bude I went for a week,

We spoke everyday on the phone,

But we both felt so sad and upset,

We didn’t want to be alone.


When I got back it felt so good,

Like that week away had made it all new,

I was so happy to see you standing there,

I knew that our love was so true.


I never wanted to be apart again,

But look what is happening now,

You’ve been away for more than a week,

And if you’re coping, please tell me how.


There is nobody here to kiss me,

To hold me so safe and so tight,

To embrace me and hug me so lovingly,

All through these cold winter nights.


I miss you there beside me,

Sitting in silence but saying so much,

I miss you laying in bed with me,

Making me warm just by your touch.


You just make everyday so special,

Making me happy when I’m down,

I’d do the same for you any day,

I hate to see you frown.


I need you here with me baby,

Your part of my life now you see,

I’ve known what it’s like to be with you,

I can’t just stand here and throw away the key.


I hope that you understand where I’m coming from,

Please consider what I say,

I want you and need you my baby,

But of course it doesn’t have to be today.


Your space and your time I respect them,

I’ll give you everything and more that you need,

Just please say that I’ll get you back,

Please say one day I will succeed.


You want us to have fun and go out more,

I feel the same way too I won’t lie,

But at the moment it just isn’t working,

I don’t want to have fun, I’d rather die.


Being with you is my fun and games,

I thought that’s how you felt too,

I don’t understand why you need other people,

When I can give that to you.


We don’t have to act all serious,

I’ll try so hard to make it work,

You mean the absolute world to me,

I promise I wont act like a jerk.


You can go out as much as you want to,

I promise I wont hold you back,

We could be together but not everyday,

In time we’ll both get the knack.


If you love me and fancy me then surely,

You can be with me as well,

In a few weeks just try it,

When you want to just give me a yell.


I’ll leave you alone to be single,

So you can go places do something new,

I promise to do anything you want me to,

Just please stop me feeling so blue.


There’s just one thing I want to say to you,

That’s Merry Christmas my little star,

I’d love to have you this Christmas,

You’d be my best present ever, by far!


I know that’s not what will happen,

It’s only if you want it to,

I know I’ll be lonely this Christmas,

But if that’s what you want to do.


Just give our relationship a chance,

Maybe in a week, a month or two,

Cause you have to admit it baby,

The love we have could make it pull through.


I’ll let you get on now my Baltazar,

Even though this poem will probably be forgot,

Please think of me this Christmas,

You’re one and you’re only Teapot.

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Lovely. You really care about him, from the depths of your heart. When you can't be with someone you love that much, it burns,the pain can be overwhelming. You want to do anything just to be with the person once again. It may not feel like it now, but things will work out for the best.


Baltazar, Teapot.... cute pet names.

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I'm hurting over not being with someone as well. The pain is deep and it doesn't seem to go away. Lot's of questions, wondering if we will ever be together again. All those things you are feeling, natural and healthy for you to be feeling.


There is no telling what will happen in the future. If you believe you will be back together, then hold onto that hope. Just don't cling so tightly that it makes you more miserable in the long run.


Best of luck.

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That's what I'm scared I will do, but when he tells me there's a good chance we will be toegther again what do I do? I ignore the bad things like he wants to be with other people at the moment and focus on the good things. I suppose it helps me to not be as upset about him with other people. But so far he hasnt done anything! So I'm alright at the moment lol!

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