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quiet,loner girl had freinds in HS howw

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let me now this -there this girl in my class-seens been in several of my classess right -very quiet, loner , hardly see her talking with anyone-talked to her a couple of x's-shes quiet but responsive right. seems shes the kind thats very gung ho about school and not very into making friends. kind of liked this girl asked her out-since shes a loner type similar to me-also quiet. well she said NO-maybe next time right- if u guys read my prior posts u would now, what i am talking about. i was so surprised this girl would make a big deal about a guy askin her out-since i thought she would be the down to earth, quiet, nice type -thats what i saw, but NO hey she had to tell everyone about it-and made me look like a fool-by tellin everyone-i got funny looks and smiles from every on campus.


how does a loner , quiet, very by herself type of girl ever have 8friends.

i find her on friendster and she has 8 friends all from HS-most of em seem to be the pary type very unlike her type. , how does a girl who so quiet-never ot hardly talk to ppl in college be able to have 8 friends in HS? i'm more talktive than her and i don't have 8 friends-lol. like 1 or 2

It also said she was in a relationship-do u think shes really in a relationship ,or just mark it as in a relatiionship-to avoid guys e mailing her and gaining unwanted male attention and is really single. she has no guy pics of her and her guy, and has 2 guy friends and they are marked in as single-one east indian guy and the other chinese-

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Um....quiet people not into the party lifestyle can have friends too, you know.


You seem to judge people a lot in your posts, what does it matter if her friends are east indian and chinese, or if she is a quiet girl and likes to focus on school right now? Maybe she has some great qualities that make her a great friend that you never learned about.


It definitely was not cool of her to go around telling people she rejected you however, but I don't think you should spend too much time reading into it. Do you know for sure she told people, or do you just think she did and are interpreting people's reactions that way?


If she says she is in a relationship, well maybe she really is and just likes to remain private. Sure, it might be not to get unwanted attention as there can be a lot of that on those sites, but I really think you just have to not read into it so much. She said no, she is not interested. That is better then leading you on for months.

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You're very closed minded aren't you? Anyone can have friends. Just because someone appears to be quite doesn't mean they can't find people they have similarities. Friendhships are formed on common interst, gender, and cultural influences. I am not surprised this girl has had a relationship. Again, anyone can. Don't be so judgemental. Keep an open mind about things.

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