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For all the poets and writters!..

Amano Ginji

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I hope this doesnt sound too old fashioned but i always wanted to this.I am finaally going back to my city after a long 5 months.And am going for a month and a half.So am gonna be away from my gf for a long time then.I was plannin to write her a letter .Some thing like wat they show in the movies no she shldnt stop reading it and should want to read more and more.And then she wuld keep it safe somehwhere!I no she likes it when some one does such things cuz i have heard dis from her friends!The idea seems good to me but the sad part is,I dunt even no how to start

Any suggestions from the poets and the writters on these forums.Am really looking forward to a good intro and then i guess i can continue from there

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Hey! Hope you have fun on the trip.


It is very sweet and romantic of you to want to write a letter like this, something that will move and touch her. I think it is old fashioned, something many wouldn't think of. That right there is going to mean a lot to her.


The key is to not try to make it good. If you try to hard, it will come out wrong. Just take some time to think about her, what she means to you. Think about the relationship, the moments you've shared together. Then get out some paper, a pen, and start writing. Write from the heart, let the words come to you. Write what you feel inside. It doesn't have to sound like Shakespeare or a romantic poet, it doesn't have to rhyme or be filled with great metaphors. It just has to be representative of your feelings for her. Maybe say how she has changed and affected your life for the better. Maybe say how you will miss her and think about her constantly while you are gone. Talk about why you are so crazy about her. You don't have to mushy all the time, add in some humor. Use some personal jokes or special things that only the two of you would understand. And if you really want to go all out, get out the art supplies and decorate it. That is, if you are artistically inclined. Include pictures of you two together. Things that remind you of special moments shared.


You can't go wrong if you are speaking from the heart. Be honest, sincere, and heartfelt. She will love it.

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Thanx ShySoul.


I never thought of it this way.I guess ur rite.I should just rite down my feelings and not try too hard!.Alrite should i keep it short or make it a real long one?..


Err but i have told her everything she wants to hear i mean by dis is dat usually we mail each other cuz now my cell got stolen the other day then whenver i mail her its exactly like writing a letter.So i cant really think of ne thing i havent told her.Cuz when i feel something i say it.


So i am guessing it will turn out to be something boring.Now i dont want that to happen.Ne ways ill try to think of something new!.

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My answer may make you shake your head and grin.... length doesn't matter (wait a sec, we already had the does size matter debate on another forum ). Write what you feel. It may be a few lines, it may be a couple pages. It could even be as short as "I love you..."


It won't be boring. Hearing someone say how they feel about you doesn't get boring. Even if its been said before, she'll still like it. Maybe make it part of a special evening together before you leave, a romantic night that takes her breath away.


You have a good thing going with this girl, don't be worried about having to make it perfect. She likes you for you, and will like whatever you come up with.

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