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Has anyone met through this Forum ??


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Ladies and Gents,


I have read quite a few threads on this forum and clearly there are a lot of raw emotions flying around with sound advice to match. I wish to ask a question.


Has anyone met as a result of this forum - not necessarily got together in term of BF/GF but I guess that would be ironical to say the least - but just met ???




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Nah...i just found this site yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to meet anybody...BUT


I have another group of which I have been a member of since 2002, Low Carb Cafe. I have flown from Los Angeles, CA to South Dakota for a group meeting...It was fantastic and enjoyed every minute of it...


Its nice meeting people you have met online (not the crazy ones though, lol).


I have only done it once and I am planning on doing it again this coming April. We are going to have a big meeting at the Mall of America! woo hoo.

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Excellent ! In times of darkness, you never know what could happen. A lot of people here have loads in common... things grow and dev from that.


However I am not saying this should become a dating agency.. Just thought I would bring a little light to this forum rather than the "NC NC NC/ focus on you" responses all the time.


Anyway back to NC on this topic for me - for a bit !!!!





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Yes it actually does happen that people meet here. I'm not aware of any couples that have gone really long term or gotten married but maybe there are some.


We aren't a dating site, but there are a lot of people here in a common situation. So its pretty normal that there will be a few people that find they have some chemistry and take things farther.

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I haven't met anyone in person from this forum, but I've talked to a few offline. The communication I've had with some people though on this forum have affected the way I see things and as a result, the way I live my life. One person in particular on this forum has affected my life in a real positive way and I appreciate that.

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I find it odd that most relationship breakdowns occur because of a lack of communiaction stemming from what ever source - stress, distance etc etc


I find it also odd (and great) that we can all communicate on this very difficult topic even though we have never met.


I find it amusing that one of the key ways to heal and perhaps get your ex back is NC or No communiaction.


Love is daft !!



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I think the reason that this forum works so well is that we don't really know each other and we can give advice from a really independent position - not clouded by what we know about who the relationship was and the personalities involved.

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  • 1 year later...
I find it odd that most relationship breakdowns occur because of a lack of communiaction stemming from what ever source - stress, distance etc etc


I find it also odd (and great) that we can all communicate on this very difficult topic even though we have never met.


I find it amusing that one of the key ways to heal and perhaps get your ex back is NC or No communiaction.


Love is daft !!




Love IS daft and I would very much like to meet you and ask you the following:


Will you marry me Jamie????????????......


I love you!



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This site appears to discourage attempts by members to contact each other directly. I once posted a thread about IM chatting and included in passing an invitation for anyone who's into IM and felt like chatting to message me, and I got a polite but firm warning from the moderators against "advertising" myself.


I have exchanged PMs with a couple of nice women here, and was once messaged on AIM by a very nice girl, with whom I chatted for about an hour. I really enjoyed that. But I've never met anyone in person from this or any other forum, although I can see how it could theoretically happen.

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Not convinced two rebounds make a right


But yeah, sort of. I talk regularly with a lovely woman from here, via Skype, and I think it has helped both of us. Thousands of miles rule out a date.


I don't approach women on this forum via PM or email. I respect that they may be vulnerable sharing personal stuff.


However, if they want to PM me, that's a different matter (is that an advert?). Those that have, have helped me feel infinitely better about myself and get back out there. It can get lonely in these mountains


I am on link removed for dates and guess what? The nicest is in Peru! Always wanted a pet llama.

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We should have a enotalone personals forum. Then we can meetup with people in our area. It's up to the owners of this site.
Yeah, that's a good idea, but it won't happen. I've met a few ENA members so far, though. They all turned out to be just as cool in RL as they were online.


And they made for good soup.

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We aren't a dating site, so we won't be putting in a personals forum.


There are other sites that are better equipped to handle that. There are a lot of liabilities and precautions that come along with encouraging people to meet each other. We simply don't have the resources to take that on.

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There is someone that I would very much like to meet that I met through this forum. He basically was my only friend through all my hard crap that I was going through, he was really there for me!


have you guys heard of the "human network?" we are actually making real life relationships through this forum that may very well affect our lives in reality. Love is daft! reality is daft! And ENA is DAFT!!!!


Sign me up for the 21st century!!!!




MAJORD23? Please comment!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We should have a enotalone personals forum. Then we can meetup with people in our area. It's up to the owners of this site.


Pppfffffffff, dream on, dream on.


Have I met someone, nope. I called someone, and he was just as nice on the phone as he is online. Does that count for something?

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I've read of a few people on here who've met, and the odd one or two who are engaged! I guess it's quite likely that when you do meet someone through something like this that you will get on quite well...you already know a lot about how that person works by what they've posted, and you know what they've been through, what they will have difficult with etc.


I, however have never met anyone from ENA. There aren't many people on here from my neck of the woods. I live in a horrible part of Britain. My town's claim to fame is that the term Chav (referring to the lad and ladettes with the plastic bling) originated here. Oh yes...stylin'.

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