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An exercise in positivity

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I have been posting in the "Healing after breakup" forum, but I am ready to try and work on me. I have had a lot of difficulty "Seeing the sunshine" lately, and am working hard to try and do so. An exercise that was recommended to me was to post 5 things I have going for me and that I am thankful for. I am going to post them here so that maybe this will help others, or feel free to add your own. I really do want to feel better and move on.


  1. I learned that a friend's brother-in-law died yesterday at 28- I am happy to be here.
  2. I am very grateful for my good friends.
  3. I am happy to have a job which pays me well.
  4. I am thankful for enotalone and the support it has given me.
  5. I am thankful for my family.

Make it a great day!

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oooh ooh ..my turn! lol


I like this...it's good to think positive.


1) I'm grateful that I had enough of sense to walk away!

2) I'm grateful that i have friends and family who love me

3) i'm grateful for the experience...it has taught me so much about myself and those around me.

4) my break-up has encouraged me to take a look at my life and examine what i like about it and what i don't like...it has allowed me the opportunity to make some changes that i was not able to make in the past.

5) i'm grateful that i have a job-

6) i'm grateful that i have a new car- one that doesn't look like an accordian...lol

7) I'm grateful that every day I learn a little more about myself and i'm learning that i really like who i am! =)

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1. I am thankful for the great weather this weekend.

2. I am thankful for my friends sticking by me and not abandoning me.

3. I am thankful for my life's accomplishments.

4. I am thankful that I am losing weight.

5. I am thankful that my friend complimented me on looking good these days.

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What a great idea! StandTall, it doesn't seem like it will get better at the moment, but it will. I had a similiar experience some years ago and it seemed insurmountable, but one day, out of the blue, i literally realised that i would not have been standing in that very spot if i had stayed with the person i had broken up with and it was then that i suddenly became grateful.




1. I am thankful that i am alive

2. I am delighted that i have an education

3. I am grateful that i have a body, with all it's limbs and that it is working reasonably well (not to say i wouldn't be grateful if i didn't, but i am extremely grateful that i can be physically active, it is not something i take for granted)

4. I am grateful that my family are nice to me most of the time!

5. I am grateful and feel lucky that i have a roof over my head and access to fresh healthy food if i want it.


Stay focused on the positive. It will all get better. You just need to rebuild your self-esteem again.

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Hi StandTall,


Don't despair... the way that i see it is that they are all out on a friday night getting drunk, while you are safely tucked away at home and you are going to be the one who wakes up on saturday morning feeling great and not hung over, so there is another thing to be "grateful" for!

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