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how do you balance?


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I've just wondering...

how do you interact with people at work place?

I don't think I'm good at interacting with people at work place easily.

and I want to make it better so that work would be so much smoother..

I'm not fully myself when I'm working and I can't seem to enjoy fully because of it... but then again, I've been thinking at the same time, does it have to be myself when I'm working...

how do you balance this if you do?



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I would have thought the best thing to do is to not bring any personal constraints into the workplace at all. For example, do not ask personal questions of others, deflect personal questions directed towards yourself, and try to avoid gossip. Also, follow your job description to the letter and in a way that honours the company's goals and objectives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does "being myself" mean??? We have different facets. The way we behave at home, at work, at the hairdressers..etc, all differs. The way we interact with friends, our family, our neighbours, colleagues; it all differs. The way we behave differs from one friend to the other, from one family member to the other, from one work colleagues to the other. Why do you think that is?


Don't be too hard on yourself. You shouldn't have to behave in any particular way. As long as the way you are at work makes you comfortable and your colleagues comfortable while complying to your working environment; what the hell - just go for it. Don't be shy. Feel the ground, you'll know what's adequate or what's not, and remember that what's adequate will vary according to the individual person you interact with.


Take it easy man

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If you want to work smoothly with some of your co-workers, then you have to learn to listen to them, communicate with them, and respect them, and expect no less in return. Because, I solely believe that when you have a mutual understanding about working as a team, then the "smoothly" part of it will definitely come easy. But remember, not everyone in the office will work well with you, because not everyone in the office knows how to listen, communicate or even try to respect a person when working together. And so, you see, it's not really worth being worried about it at all.

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