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Avoiding a bad situation

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I'm really close to a friend of mine, we spend the majority of the day together. I'm considering thou I should get back to getting use to my own company instead of depending on hes. I expect in the near future he will get a girlfriend and won't have much time for me. This is something i've come to find as a single person surrounded by others with partners. He on the other hand instists it won't be that way. I find that hard to believe, since he nots the only person in a relationship to have choices, its needs compromise and decication to your other half. I just don't want to be in the way when that happens.


Am I taking the wrong route, in distancing myself before I'm possibly pushed away?


Does anyone else experience these kind of feelings when they're the only single person of they're peer group?


Any opinions would be appreciated

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You shouldn't have to distance yourself just yet. If he doesn't have a girlfriend now, than it's best not to worry about it. And if he does, than still doesn't mean you two can't be friends. I am sure that once he gets a girlfriend, he will spend time with her, but I doubt he would forget his friends.

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