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Feeling extreme emotions... how to cope?

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Hi. I often feel an _extreme_ sense of sadness/guilt, etc. and it's hard to wash away and ignore. Often I just say "I want to kill myself" even when I don't, because that's the only thing that can verbally express the pain I feel. It's just the immensity of the emotion that has to be expressed... I used to write poetry but now I just try physical activities -- working out, running, listening to music, or screaming silently if that's not an option. How to experience emotions in more moderation? When I feel hurt, if it were on a scale of 1-10, I'm often at 9/10 even if it's really not that bad... things just seem to be blown out of proportion in my head.

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What is the cause of all of this emotional pain? I am sure the cause if it is fixed, would help lower your emotional outbursts. But your stress reliever ideas are a good way to help. Keeping busy with a project or a hobby is another way to reduce the emotional pain. Do you have any friends you could talk to about this? I am sure they could help. Good luck.

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