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before you people read and think im crazy or something... I was inspired to write this after watching the movie American History X, and having a heated discussion with a very ignorant, racist person... anyways, let me know what you think. (I STAND FOR THE THEME AND MESSAGE IN THE POEM, NOT THE IDEAS THAT ARE BEING SAID)


Sometimes, something seriously sings sick stories in my ear

At first I couldn't catch its corrupt question kicking emotions of fear

Kill, Kill in combat quickly with no care for the cost of those you hold dear…

Wake-up wearily I can't help but wonder what just went on

But the broken voice benevolently bosses at me with his song

Kill the pregnant, and kill the young

Kill the weak, and leave them hung

Kill the old, with no remorse

Kill the faults of mankind with brute force

Quickly, quickly, if we are to be saved

This will be your reward for how you have behaved

To carry on your shoulders the baggage of the damned

And get rid of what holds back the progress of man

But as my mind listens and my emotions stir

I come to the conclusion that this is not all that absurd

Without weakness, power grows infinite

There was weight on my shoulders before but this voice has lifted it

Evolution can only be constrained by the weak spirited.

And the quicker we do away with what is holding us back…

The quicker we kick the pregnant and watch their heads crack…

The quicker we can grow bold and spit in the face of the old

The quicker the prominence of the strong can unfold

And a perfect society in result we be created

With no one of a different entity to be hated

With no obese, and no anorexics

With no ESE, and no dyslexics

The community will live strong all in one hand

... Empty with everyone gone, and no one to stand


Coming out of my moment of hopelessness

I look around and find only myself shirtless

Blood stained and in pain, I lay on the center of the surface

From the sky the eyes of the weak and damned stare at me hurt-less

The deed has been done. But when I try to stand I find it to be worthless

And watch my self deteriorate because I myself was not perfect

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No body is perfect. And ignorant people, like Neo-Nazis, the KKK, and people of organizations of the sort, who hold their outrageous beliefs that they are better than everyone else, and they are right, everyone else is wrong, they are teh "pure" race... hold these notions when in reality its not true.

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