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what do you think is going on


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hey there you guys,here is my situation. i will try to talk you through the whole thing.

basically,i met this girl last week on campus at university and we got talking.i knew her from before but didnt get to know her properly.anyway,i got to know her a little bit and teased her a bit,made her laugh etc.


went home next day and i talked to her over msn.was cool.got back on friday and saw her at student union for disco.she got me my ticket and we went in.she knows so many people,so she has to say hello and speak to them all.its really hard to get a word in.


anyway,i did start to like her at this point and she did open up to me at this point,saying some personal suff that i hadnt heard her say to others.as it happens,i got her a sax(she paid me back for it) and it made her so so happy.ive never seen such a happy person(tho she is generally happy anyway).


i was in her bedroom that day when she was playing sax for me and some people came in to see what was going on.after they left,it was just me and her and i didnt know what to say,i was a bit overwelmed.


so things were awkward yesterday when i saw her.we talked a little but it was very tense and she left quickly.


i went to dinner later tha day and there were loads of people there,inc. her.she was supposed to call get her jacket off me(she had left it in my room) but she didnt call.she must have seen me but she didnt come up to talk to me.she talked to all the people she knew in the canteen but not talk to me.i dunno,it was kind of weird.i went off to see friends elsewhere that night.


i came back and she was msn when i was online upon coming back.she said hi,how are u.........and asked for her jacket.i went out to give it to her and she asked me to drop it down the stairs(we live in the same block,i live a couple of floors above).she made no attempt to talk to me further and said good night and prompty went bk to her room.she said good night on msn and went offline.


that was yesterday.i have had no contact with her today,didnt talk,text or anything.in my opinion,i dont think she likes me and to be honest,im dont think she is the girl for me.its best if i look elsewhere,i dont see this going anywhere but hurt for me.


what do you think?





*take care*

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Maybe she just got a little spooked. It seemed like you two had a good time at that disco event...you made her laugh....seemed like you pulled all the right stops. Maybe she's waiting for you to make a move....


If you really like this girl, don't just give up on it. You don't know this is rejection necessaryly unless you go and talk to her and see what happened between you two. I would suggest you give her some space for a few days, see what happens? That will also give you a chance to think about what you want to do, instead of rushing into a decision because you're hurt. Best of luck!

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Well said Reilly, well said.


I will admit, dude, that she hasn't put forth the most idyllic signs but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a rejection. I would say however that you have to observe things for a few days. Try casually chatting with her on MSN or briefly chatting with her if you see her on campus. It's important to realize that mutual attraction soon after meeting is rarer than most will admit. Usually the sentiment of love is dominant on one side before it's shared equally. Give it a day or so to see if she contacts you and then, try contacting her and setting up a time for you two to get together for coffee or something like that. If she accepts, it's a good sign but if she declines or doesn't get back to you, I'd say moving on is the healthiest course of action from there.


Good Luck Dude!

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It sounds to me like you've both misunderstood each others intentions. The only way you're going to be able to sort it out is by talking to her.


Explain that you suddenly felt awkward in the bedroom. I'm sure she'll understand when she realises what happened that day.


Good luck and take care.

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Keep an open mind. Her actions are indicative of non-interest. But she may simply have treated you like that no matter what had happened.

Don't see these signs as necessarily negative. Give it a little more time. Keep doing whatever you were doing.

Sometimes when you spend a lot of time early on with someone new it does because a bit too much too soon. If you two do start talking and getting back to the way things were (and you want this) then remember to give her some space, don't try and spend every moment with her and don't expect that you or her should.


Talking about things is usually a good thing to do. So if you get the chance and it is the right thing to do then give it a shot.


All the best.

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