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I'm having trouble dealing with my best friend. We've been best friends for 18 years. And she has a major problem with lying. She lies all the time, she says stuff that's just not true, she talks to these guys on the phone and msn, and she pretends to be something she's not. She's kinda overweight, and she posts this picture of a really pretty girl and tells everyone it's her. And then she gets them to pretty much fall in love with her and they want to meet her but she says NO. Well she started this fight with another friend (let's call her friend 2) of mine and I tried to fix things as best I could, but I couldn't. I was more on the side of friend 2 then friend 1. And I said some bad things about friend 1, not horrible, but just enough to make friend 2 feel better. I,m kinda indecisive about a lot of stuff, and this was no different. And now friend 1 read my emails, which she says is an accident, but i don'T think it is. And now we're in a fight, she wants to talk and i hate confrontation, help please!

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ohenestly, why should she be your friend? she lies and is decitive, a frienship has to be built on trust. She doesnt seem to trustfull to me. It seems like to me that she facing a self acceptance problem with the online business. I dont think that she can handle her body as it is, she needs to lose some weight or something.

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Okay then, new idea. Your friend lies because of her weight, right? Well she needs confidence and lots of it. See if you can't convince your friend about things that she does well. Everyone has something they are good at and they can gain confidence in what they do, and not what they look like. Beauty is only skin deep. I am sure if your friend can see what she is great at, then she'll gain confidence. Hopefully, she will then stop lying. Good luck.

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