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I NEED HELP FAST!!!!!!!!!!


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Ok, I have been in this long relationship, and me and my b/f have been dating for 4 yrs. now. well he is 22 and I'am 19, and he decides to get drunk ALL the damn time and he comes home and hits me alot. I told him that I wanted to break up but he told me if I broke up with him he would track me down and kill me soo I have been dealing with this crap for about a yr. now. I pressed charges on him twice but then he would just hit me more I have tried to move out but he doesn't let me do ne thing or as he says he will kill me and that scares me cuz I know that he would really try to kill me So will you guys give me some advice...if you can??? PLZ!!

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Get a restrianing order on him. While he is at work get all the stuff that you truly need move somewhere where he cant find you. Make sure its with someone. Dont be alone.


Other then that call a help line for abuse in your area. Find someone who knows what to do to make sure he cant come and get you. You can always go to one of those homes they have for woman so they can be safe. Thats where I went after I was raped.


I wish I knew more about how to help you but this is all I can think of

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You really need to do something about this situation. I know that you are scared but, u need to serioulsy call the police and get help for you boyfriend. Don't even try to reason with him becuase that will only make problems worse. I advise you to be careful in whatever step you take



With love

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Well I don't know if my advice will help you that much but I think that you should go to the police or something explain to them that your boyfriend is making threats. Tell them that each time he comes home drunk he hits you. I mean I am sure that they could help you in some way. You could take him to court and get a restraining order against him. I mean those are simple things and all it takes is going to the cops and making a criminal report. This is what my mom did when our tenant pushed her off five steps. We had a court hearing in the city hall. It took the whole day but hey it was worth it because our tenant needed to pay for what she did. Our tenant was moving out and she was being a bitch about everything. It got to the point that she got so nervous that she eventually pushed my mom off five steps. My mom called the cops they came and then my mom when to the station and she filled up a criminal report about her. So on and so on. Well hope I helped. Good Luck with you situation.

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Go to a safe house. They should give you a place to live temporarily and protect you from him. They are trained in this sort of thing and will tell you what you can do. While you are at it, join a support group and read some books about abusive relationships. Get out now and don't ever look back. I know this from experience. Please save yourself now!


You will be in my prayers.



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You said you pressed charges? What happened with that?? Anyway, you should tell the police. Don't worry about him; anyone who says "I will kill you" doesn't need pity. He will get help after he's detained.


Save yourself. Get our of the house. These other people are right; take your stuff and leave. He says that he will find you, but only if you go somewhere he knows about. Get away and call the police.

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Ok, I went through this a little bit last year, my friend was letting her boyfriend abuse her. She was afraid of leaving him because he was not going to let her. All I can tell you is to get a friend or family member that is willing to help you out and get away from him. Relationships are supposed to be loving, you can't change him. Walking away from this is the only way to get back a healthy life. Just figure out a way to get away from him safely. You must realize that there are many men out there that would treat you better and realize that you DESERVE better. It's easier said then done, but once you get over the hill you will feel better about everything

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