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Just Like Twins

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What do you do when a friend imitates you. Like the things that you say and the way that you dress and do your makeup and hair, etc. It does not happen so much that it is freaky, but it is happening more and more. Also, this same person, seems to want to do everything I do and be involved in everything I am involved in. And if someone gives me some attention, she then finds it necessary to look within herself, and try to change herself (sort of saying, why is she (me) getting attention, what does she have, why her, how come i dont have it). I think she does it subconsiously, but it is apparent to me. If i use certian words this person will use them too, if i wear something, this person will say, oh i was going to wear that too, and then seems upset that she didn't and that I did. Everything I say or do, she says she was thinking of the same thing. I love this friend, but it is becoming strange. Its like she's always competing with me, and she always wants to one up me. Any tips or thoughts? How can I deal with this?

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