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My Friend Doesn't Understand that I have a Boyfriend.

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A guy friend of mine has always had these feelings for me and I have known about them, but I 've carried on as friends with him. About a month ago, I began dating this guy and now we're boyfriend and girlfriend. It seemed like my guy friend was over me because he was always mentioning this other girl and I was always encouraging him to ask her out.


For the past week, my guy friend has been calling me every night just randomly when he KNOWS that I'm gonna be hanging out with my boyfriend. And it bothers me because the first time he did it he said, "I need help with my science homework" and I was like, "okay...what?" And then when I helped him after a minute, I was like, "I have to go." But he started making up these things like, "wait, why do you have to go?" "can't you talk?" "wait explain this to me?" when he obviously knew the answers to those. he also brought up like, "you're so sweet" "why are you so nice" etc. I just kinda ignored them and was like, "see you tomorrow, bye"


So it bothers me because he knows that


1) I have no feelings more than friends for him

2) I have a boyfriend


I'm trying not to hurt him, and I'm respecting him as much as I can, but it's beginning to bother me and in a way make me feel uncomfortable around him.


What do I do?

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You really need to talk to him about it. You don't have to make him feel bad about it, just say something like "I really think you are an awesome friend and I would like to continue our friendship, but I really like this guy that I am with, and I would like for you to respect that." And make sure he understands that he can call you if he needs you, but he also has to realize when enough is enough.


Either way, you have to tell him how you feel. He's obviously not getting the hint through just your actions. I really don't think there's a way to do it without hurting him. If he has feelings for you, this might make him really realize that nothing will ever happen between the two of you. But something also has to be done because he's not respecting your new relationship.

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