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Will I ever get one?

Terror Drone

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Hi, I need to ask if I will ever get a girlfriend. I mean, I have had them before, but once I hit the 10th grade, i just havn't been able to get a girlfriend. There are a couple girls that i like, and i have asked them out lots of times, but they allways say no. There are other girls that I like too, but most of the girls in my school are popular, and i am not. What could i do to get one, could i possibly be doing something wrong, or am i just plan ugly to all girls? Please help

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of course you will get a girlfriend, i know that's easier for me to say than it is for you to believe, but yes, you will. Here's my advice: get involved. Join organizations that interest you (not the one with girls you like, just something you enjoy). Two things will happen then, 1. you'll meet new people, and they will introduce you to new people, and so on. 2. You will be too distracted and busy to think about being lonely, and thereforeeeeeee be more attractive. Give it a try. Good luck!

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Well, the best way in my opinion is to seem sortof uninterested towards girl you like, if you're talking to her or something, just casually, don't make an effort to keep a weak conversation going - no small talk. If you really connect with a girl, great! Keep it going! But never seem like the only thing you have to do is to try and get them to respond to you. Go do something else, act like they're not top priority. If a girl isn't initially interested in you - it only makes it worse to make small talk with her - cause she knows you like her, and it's annoying to her. But as far as getting a girlfriend in general, try not to worry about it. The more to try to get one, the worse the relationship will be once it happens. The best thing is to make friends with a lot of girls, try not think of them as possible girlfriends, just as cool friends you can hang with. This will not only help you get your mind off your lack of girlfriend, but it'll actally increase your chances of getting one, you'll see what I mean Good luck man!

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