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interested .... but how do i get what i want?

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ok, want to say hey to everyone who reads this. i have 2 things really bothering me. Since we haven't been in school too long just one 6 weeks, i'm still trying to grow as a person from all the highschool drama that took place last year. there are 2 things that i want.


1- there is a girl that i really like, but shes so different than any other girl, she isnt into anything mean or bad or unkind at all whatsoever and she will hardly date anybody. i think things are starting to come around but what should i do? should i invite her out to go with me places? her dad is a preacher... i just need some good dating advice.


2. ive been having friedn problems , and trouble presenting myself in public to have people like me... how can i get people to notice me and want to be my friend? i have plenty of friends, i was just voted homecoming, but i want something with "real" friends.... close friends. however there is this one guy, who i have hardly ever talked to that i have taken a sudden interest in, he invited me to come to youth wednesday nights, so i think i will go. he is a couple months older than i am but a grade higher. hes interested in music, i like music too. but he is into different sports than i am, hes more of a golf im more of basketball and such. how should i go about being friends with this guy? i think hes pretty cool and we could get along just fine... i just have these feelings about certain people.


thanks in advance.. i really need your suggestions and help. thank you guys a million!

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1- She's probably very cool. Have you asked her out on a date? If you want a crash course with this girl, I'm going to make a point-blank recommendation that you go to link removed and spend the $99 on his system. Get it overnighted, because time is of the essense when meeting women. Once you get that book read TWICE, go ask her out pronto. I cannot give you all the advice you will need at your age. This system is a very mature, long-term oriented book that will provide you sound advice on how to be a gentleman. It is a winning book, and has (had?) a money back policy.


2- If you don't meet him and hang out with him, you'll never know. Go hang out and see what happens. Get to know him and that will answer your question.


Good luck!

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1-Okay with the girl you like, if she seems interested in you at all, then definetly ask her out.


2-With making real friends, this can take time. I suggest going to the youth wednesdays as a good way to socialize and meet people. Who knows? Something great could happen! Good luck.

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