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LDR's - Keeping the intimacy


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I am curious to hear from all you LDR's, how it is you approach the intimacy issue? Loss of intimacy, emotional and physical, has played a major role in my current situation. What I mean is, when we did get together on occasion, I more and more sensed an awkwardness, or uneasyness between us when approached intimacy. We got along great, best friends for sure. And after spending just a little time with eachother, we were more open to contact and 'exploring'. Its that innitial uneasyness. Before we bacame LD, there was never any uneasyness..


Are there secrets to mainting a strong sense of intimacy.. over the distance?


Thanks! JP

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Talk as much a possible. My boyfriend and I had a lot of trouble with feeling disconnected from each other when we started going to different colleges. Things didn't start getting better until we started talking about the problem. IM and phone are so useful. Long-distance phone calls can get expensive, but look for a good plan. Even then, investing a little money in order to invest time in the relationship has its rewards. Good luck!

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Long-distance phone calls can get expensive, but look for a good plan. Even then, investing a little money in order to invest time in the relationship has its rewards.


No, they don't have to get expensive. They are FREE. (If you install Skype). No obstacle there.

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As far as the intimacy issue is concerned phone sex is key in my opinion. My husband and I had a 1yr transatlantic LDR before we got married. If you don't want things to be awkward when you are together sex-wise it is a very good idea to 'have sex' on the phone that way you are both sexually satisfied and you get rid of that worry that he might be getting it elsewhere.

I know it might feel awkward and embarrassing at first but trust me it will do wonders for your relationship.



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Another thing that I find really helped me and my bf get through separation, was a webcam conversation. They've got that on most IM programs now. It helps to be able to see their face when they're talking to you, and hearing their voice at the same time.

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