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Don't know what to make of this?


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Hey all,

My boyfriend and I are in a great relationship, and although he has moved away to uni we are coping with it well and see each other every week. I trust him completely, although this weekend I noticed a text message on his phone that he had sent to a girl he hasn't mentioned to me. It read something like 'hey louise, sorry about message the other day. i just felt a bit guilty. hope u can forgive me'. I just don't know what to make of this, my mind has been going into overdrive! There werent any other messages to or from her on his phone. I don't know whether I am just over-reacting or if there could be something in it?? I guess what I'm really asking is whether I should confront him about it, as it may look like I don't trust him and was prying through his phone, any advice greatly received! xxxxx

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You could be overreacting or you could not be. I dont think you can say that you completely trust a person then question some of his actions. Personally I think that you keep this in mind and just leave it at that. If its really bugging you then you wont be happy till you confront him about it.

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it probably wasn't anything. he may have just accidently grabbed the wrong number when sending a text and was apologizing. i do it all the time and my friends do too. if you really can't get over it then you should talk him about it - calmly now, so you don't come accross at psycho-y and stuff. if you're not sure how to approach it, just look at his phone again and if it's still there then playfully say something like, "louise? who's this louise? am i gonna have to beat a b*tch down for my man?" laugh and smile. he'll probably explain what it was about.

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