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Glad I'm making friends my own age...

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Well, it seems that all my life I've made friends younger than me. When I was 4, I wasn't deemed intelligent enough to start a class with regular 4 year olds. Thus, my parents waited 1 year before sending me to school. I don't mind anymore, but it was always annoying being a year older than my classmates. Now that I'm in College, I have a better chance of meeting people who are the same age as me. It feels so nice.

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Age does not matter in making friends when you are older. But during late teens; early twenties - it's nice to have people the same age as you.

Well, you wouldn't go out clubbing with a 40 year old (ok, you might).

And similiarly, you may not feel comfortable talking about studies to a 15 year old.


Glad to hear things are going well, Alabama.

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