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Advice Needed!

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I have a big problem. A couple of friends that were close to me have basically drifted away from me and they don't even talk to me anymore. Basically they left me at a bar one night, I got mad about it and then they really haven't talked to me since.


The big problem is that there is the possibility that they would be potential witnesses for me if some legal action is taken against me and one of them put up a private message in her msn that she won't testify for me if it comes down to that.


What should I do? Should I try to talk to her and fix things? I just don't know what to do......Please help!

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Im not going to ask what's happening regarding the legal issues, becuase im sure you want to keep that private. But i'd definitely have a talk with your friends if you can, try and salvage that friendship.


Have you asked them why they may have drifted away? or if you know maybe there's a possible solution to resloving the issue(s) with your friends.


- whitefang

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What should I do? Should I try to talk to her and fix things? I just don't know what to do......Please help!


Yes and no. On the one hand someone so petty that they wouldn't help you in a legal matter over a bar dispute isn't worth being a friend. On the other hand, you may need them to help you out in the dispute...

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