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Should I Tell And Be Hated?

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Ok...I have these two friends. They have been going out now for about 4 months. In the first month they were going out I made out with her bf TWICE! I made a promise to her that NO MATER WHAT I would tell her if he ever cheated. BUT...I don't want HIM mad at me. And knowing him he will proboably deny it all! What should I do? I've tried telling her in clues but she doesn't get it. I am a better friend to her than I am with him...but I don't want EITHER of them mad at me. But this is also haunting me...it has been for the last 3 months!

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Sometimes confrontation can be deadly. It can truly rip you apart. If you want things to be hunky-dory then let things be. But if it's a burden upon you, then tell her. I know they'll be mad, but they'll get over it. It's the right thing to do. Good luck.

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I agree with bigbilly here. You are also at fault just as much as him. And even worse because she is supposed to be your friend. I totally think you need to come clean. Matter of fact I'd confront them both and spill the beans. If she chooses not to believe you then atleast you came clean. In the future, steer clear of kissing boys that are dating your friends or anyone else at that time! That will save you from ever having to go through this again.

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You want my opinion? You blew it big time. This is a hard lesson to learn. If you tell them, you're done. If they tell, you're done. You are at their mercy.


Believe it or not, I would NOT tell them. This is something you need to be very careful of....

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