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Good way of not answering personal questions?


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Hi, could u kindly give me advice? A guy in my class always tries to engage me in conversation and asks personal questions. I don't want to let him know the answers but want to be polite. Could u tell me how to respond to questions like:


What's your mobile number?

Do you have a boyfriend?


You help will be much appreciated~~ Thanks a lot!

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What's your mobile number?

"How about you give me yours and I'll call you if I want to"


Do you have a boyfriend?

Who wants to know?


Of course say it in a nice way!


EDIT! Forgot to mention: It depends on whether you like him or not as well.. if you don't, just either tell him straight out you would rather be friends, you are not ready for any relationships yet, or just say you are with someone...

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Thanks guys and girls for the suggestions.


The situation is a bit complicated actually. I cannot lie to this guy about being with someone because I really like another person in the same class. If I tell this guy I have boyfriend, I fear he'll spread the word so I have no chance with the other person...

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Its okay to turn someone down. Just tell him that you just want to stay friends. Because he will probably keep getting the wrong idea. About the number thing, tell him its not working for now and give him an email instead. Like that he does not bug you. About the boyfriend thing, just tell him the truth. Its not a big deal that you are single. It does not mean you are going to go out with him either

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I think you should be honest with the guy and tell him u dont want to give him your mobile number or that you dont know him well enough to give it to him. As far as the boyfriend question if you dont have a bf and he still acts interested then tell him that you arent interested in him.

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Well, let's not be harsh.

For all we know, he could really be interested and shy - suggestions like "Just tell him to go away", will hurt him.


If he comes off strongly - put him straight; equally strongly.


But if he is being polite and courteous - turn him down, politely and with tact.

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Thanks guys and gals for your advice.


Well, that guy is not rude and sometimes quite caring. And I appreciate the way he thinks. I want to keep this friend, so I wouldn't try to hurt him. I wish I could be more tactful in handling these questions in order not to lose this friend.

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  • 4 months later...

I kind of agree the most with darkblue's scenarios...


personally, I think you should be direct and honest with the guy, if you're feeling uneasy about the fact the guy is invading your personal life, tell him (even if you do come off as a bit of a b*tch) upfront that you don't feel comfortable giving out personal information about yourself, what's he going to say "ohh that girl, she's such a no-information-giver" (sorry that sounds stupid) but yeah, hoenstly...after he gets the hint, then slowly bring him up and rebuild the friendship so at least he knows the terms now, and you can start anew.

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