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There's this girl I met in school 2 years ago. However, we were both EXTREMELY shy so never talked. One time her mother walked up to me and asked if I'd go out with her (I know...Very strange)...Needless to say I was really scared because I was so shy, and I weren't sure how I felt about her. When eventually I started talking to her online, she seemed to be really interesting in me. We would stay online almost 12 hours a day, just chatting to each other, and sometimes meet up with some of our friends in real life.


She started showing lots of signs she 'liked' me, for example she would make images saying she loves me forever. Plus she told me everyone is asking her if she's asked me out yet. When I left school she seemed really upset, she was begging me to come back to school even though I've done my exams. And her sister was always telling me she likes me. It was then I kinda realised that she actually likes me (I used to have real self-esteem problems), so I kind of fancied her too. When me, my friend and his girlfriend (Who happened to be friends of the girl I like), his girlfriend phoned her and told her I have a crush on her. She text me asking if it's true...Being a fool, I didn't answer the question, and just said 'ignore her'. She seemed very...happy in the texts. It's hard to explain.


Somehow, I ended up staying over her house (Almost for 5 nights in a row) and was even going to meals with her family, and friends of her family told me she likes me. Whenever I was over, she used to put LOTS of makeup on (Sometimes too much, But being a gentlemen I never say ).


Anyways, a few weeks ago my friend told her I like her. She text me asking if it's true, I said yes. I was expecting her to be happy...Instead she said she doesn't like me in that way. This got me into a period of depression. But she said she doesn't believe I like her...I'm still quite shy, so telling her I like her in person is hard (Mostly because I almost never see her in person anymore). I worry about her a lot. One time she asked me why I worry, I said because I like her...She went crazy, telling me she's got her family to care about her and she gets pissed off at me worrying. Yet she still shows some mixed signals about her liking me, which I just don't understand...


It seems a lot of her family are against me now. I don't know what the hell is going on.


I'm just so confused, I don't know what to do anymore. Sorry for the huge post, but I'm totally lost

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Normally I'd say she was playing hard to get, but if she acts all of a sudden she doesnt' like you, then this is odd indeed. Perhaps she still likes you, but when someone all of a sudden get's close to her, she doesn't know what to do. It sounds like she is inexperienced when dealing with someone she likes. That's my guess.

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I guess she likes u just the same as before!!..its just that she wants to hear it from u..maybe she thinks ur playing around or smthing..she wants to be sure...its a tough thing to explain..but yeshh.!!!..go and tell her..thats wat she wants!..she wants to be sure!

hope this helps Good Luck Have Fun!

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