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How should I see this/What todo?

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Its been about 2 months since ive been talking to this girl in my psychology class which meets every tues.+thurs It started out a bit slow then it became easy for me to talk to her without feeling nervous and she seem intrested in invloved in the convo. Ive got her # around 2 weeks ago but I had no luck calling her cause she said her cell phone wasn't working and was planing on getting a new cell phone. She said that sometimes her cell phone wouldn't have Signal for a couple of days then work again, and also this has happened before.

Recently conversations feel ackward with long pauses/silences. I called her the following weekend I got her # and left a voicemail and have not got a response yet. I also feel that she is trying to make me jealous, just by noticing the way she talks to another classmate. Last thursday i noticed her Doodling I "heart" and something written inside the heart on her notes. Kinda felt like she was trying to make me notice since she wasn't covering it.

I haven't tried calling again her yet.

She mite not be talking as much since she isn't feeling well. She's taking Antibiotics for strep (no she doesn't have strep, takes them to make sure she doesnt get it, thats what she told me) and took nite-quill but didn't take day-quill. (could be the reason why she doesn't feel like talking much)

Well anyways I plan on asking her someday and I dont know how. But does it seem like she has lost intrests? How do I tell her how I feel thats not commonly used? Thanks

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I'd say directly asking her for coffee or to meet someplace out of class will be the best bet of determining interest. Talk with her and at the end of the conversation, suggest the two of you get together for coffee sometime. If she expresses interest, suggest a date. Her response should give you the answer you're looking for (whether you wan't to hear it or not)

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