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We should never take life for granted

Double J

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Today a sad incident took place by my house. This cat that would frequent my neighborhood was run over by a car. I didn't witness what happened - my uncle did - but I came onto the scene when I heard a lot of racket outside my house and saw cars stopping. Luckily, the cat wasn't mine, but apparently it did have an owner so I feel bad for them. I saw the cat when it was lying down on the street with blood coming out of its head. It was having trouble breathing at that point, and my uncle had to move it closer to the driveway so that the cat's body wouldn't block traffic.


I don't know how, but the cat managed to stay alive through the hours of the night, struggling to move and breathe. Eventually my uncle and aunt took it to an animal clinic to be put to sleep.


I didn't mean to sound so graphic. I know it's only a pet, but the sad thing about life is that these things could happen to us human beings too. The cat incident has actually had me thinking tonight. I think it's important for us not to take life or others for granted. I think we should all treat everyone -even strangers and enemies - with as much respect as possible and try to lend a helping hand whenever they need it. If an animal is starving, feed it. If a plant is dying, try to revitalize it. In my opinion, that's being a good samaritan and human being really.


We never know when we're going to go and sometimes it's hard to accept that.. that's why we should always be there for people just like we'd like them to be there for us.

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here here I agree, well accept maybe for the plants, but although saying that I feel guilty when I let plants die lol. And because of that fact I always give shed loads of plants to jumble sals cos I keep alive bits I brake of my cactuses lol.


But back to the point, life should never be taken for granted and should be treasured.

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Hi Double J,


I'm sorry you had to witness the terrible demise of the neighbourhood cat, and it doesn't make it any easier when it's an animal. They are very good observations about life though and i am glad your uncle and aunt gave the cat a chance before taking it to the vet.


Death is one of those things that we all have to face. I started taking a different perspective on death after witnessing several strewn animal carcuses (including a snake, wombats and kangaroos) along the highway one day and realised that we do not always chose our own fate, that we don't always die with other people around, and that sometimes life can be a lonely and barren place.


But enough of the depressing stuff and thanks for the positive message.

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Oh, life is definitely too short for some of us.


When I was 22, my boyfriend of 5 years died quite suddenly - two weeks shy of his 26th birthday. It changed my entire life. I have had grandparents die of cancer, friends commit suicide, pets pass away (and those tear me up like crazy..I always dread the days my pets age and get near to death), but that event changed my life like no other. It made me a better person in many ways, but also one that was now different from most of my peers...not in a bad way, just in a way that made me very different in my perspectives and understanding of the world.


It also taught me to live for the day, to always let the ones you care about know you love them, to never part on tears and anger, to cherish your family and your friends, that some things just don't matter, and others are all that matter.

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I don't know how, but the cat managed to stay alive through the hours of the night, struggling to move and breathe. Eventually my uncle and aunt took it to an animal clinic to be put to sleep.


That is the worst part of it all- but luckily your uncle ended it's suffering. It's in a better place now. link removed


I once saw a cat which was hit while driving in the car with my mother on the way to school....it was still moving..... we did the same thing. I remember not only not being able to breathe, but not being able to go to school that day. Death is tragic- but to me, suffering is even worse. There's that grey area between life and death where suffering occurs, and it's the suffering that really bothers me.


In the Spring I had to put one of my own cats down- and I held her when she was put to sleep...that was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Yet the idea that her suffering ended was also a comfort.


Yes life and also happiness are extremely precious..... tragedy reminds us of this often.




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