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difference between LOVE and LUST

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Lust often has ties with immaturity - this is nonesense. Everyone has been in positions wereby they lust.


It is the wanting of your partner. A desire. The flame. The passion.


Love - is more rational, conditional and tender; with compassion and affection.


It's not just the lusting - it's deeper than that. But There should be a level of lust in love.

(if I can put it like that).

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Lust ---"It is the wanting of your partner. A desire. The flame. The passion. "



isnt it important though to still have that flame and passion in a relationship. my bf felt lust for his ex and love for me. makes me think they were all about looks and sex. i sitll want him to feel like that about me, plus love me. not possible? am i pushing it.


You should expect both in a relationship.

If he is lusting after his ex - there is definite problems.

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no i do not think he is lusting after her stillll, haha, i ment thats how he described their relationship and it killlls me. i want ours to be spicy too. i dont think we ever had the lust stage. im not sure. he just says im cute, beautiful, sweet, smart...which is all lovely love but sometimes i want, babe you are so hot and sexy. maybe hes not that attracted to me that way , but more personality wise. ya he said he loves me personality...thats great, but ....ya know?


It works both ways. You could say/do all that to him.

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He's giving you cute, because he thinks you want cute.

You really should tell him. He's not a mind reader. If you are uncomfortable and feel he is only doing it because you asked him to, then yes he is.. he knows what you want and is trying to give it to you. Isn't that a good thing?

And if he comes over awkward, its because its new to him so give him a chance. Good Lust to you both.

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i have never mentioned this to him. he said i was cute and beautiful on his own. i just remember long ago i asked if he had been in love, this is before he was my bf, and he said no he was just in lust. i guess im just jealous that his ex- was lustworthy and I am not so much. well i mean we have a great sex life, but that doesnt reallly say if he was more attracted to her. its really not thhhhhhhat big of a deal, just a blow to my ego. i want to be his best gf ever!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have asked myself this question ever since I hit puberty. Now that I am old and wise I feel that I can answer this question with a little bit more of a clue.


Love is uncontrollable. It makes you do weird things and can sometimes be a negative effect on you. It can make you depressed, sad, jelous and bitter or it could make you happy and energetic and full of life! Love is pure emotion in its strongest form. Love is the opposite of hate and those two feelings are the most powerfull feelings in the world! they are so powerfull that if you lose control it can lead to illness and even death.


Lust is a chemical reaction almost. Its want! Its need! its wanting something or someone so bad its almost like an addiction. Your body craves it like a drug, its like a frenzy of want. It can make you desperate and when you do something for lust its not an emotion its a need.


Lust is easier to control by far in my opinion but for some its not. Depends on the person I guess. I can lust for a woman passing me down the street, then switch it off half an hour later and totally forget about her. I wouldnt be able to forget about her if I fell in love with her but that would never happen. and if I did then I wouldnt be able to contain myself like I would be able to do with lust. You can lust for many people at once



just my two pence worth

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Lust is fleeting. It is ruled by instincts in the moment. It is without thought, without concern for each ersons overall well being. It is wanting someone just for the sake of wanting them.


Love is all encompassing. It is wanting the person for them. It is what is fueled by the fires of passion that fuel lust but it is so much deeper. It is all about desiring to be with the very soul and essense of a person, not just the physical as lust is all about.


Being loved is far greater then being lusted after. Heyguys, the fact that he loves you but was only in lust with everyone else is a major compliment. Your ego should be happy of such a statement, not hurt by it.

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