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Oh well, I suppose I should let those of you know who care or are interested.


She called and left a message on my phone and said that she had a ton of school work to do and couldn't do dinner tonite but expressed interest in rescheduling.




I'd say a bit of both...


At least I don't have to wait around all day wondering.

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Well, I'm going to deal with this delicately. Obviously I don't want to pressure her. I will contact her on Friday if I have not heard from her by then (it seemed in her phone message that she would contact me about rescheudling) and ask her how her week has gone and casually suggest a time to get together again. This weekend probably won't work for me though. Taking it easy has worked out very well for me so far and so that's how I'm going to keep playing it.

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for those of you that are curious...



We are going to be getting together for coffee on sunday because it won't take up as much time and she has a busy weekend. She was definitely interested in getting together though. I'll also see her at a dance tomorrow night and have an opportunity to dance with her several times.


While I hat to think of it in terms of making moves, I think after we're done on Sunday and I walk her back to wherever she goes afterwards, I'll let her know how I feel. Not in a corny way of course, but something along the lines of how much I enjoy spending time with her and how I'd love to see her more often. I'll set up another time for us to get together and giver her a hug.

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While I hat to think of it in terms of making moves, I think after we're done on Sunday and I walk her back to wherever she goes afterwards, I'll let her know how I feel. Not in a corny way of course, but something along the lines of how much I enjoy spending time with her and how I'd love to see her more often. I'll set up another time for us to get together and giver her a hug.


Just tell her that you'd like to see her again. That by itself tells her that you enjoy spending time with her yet isn't too much for someone who may not have the same interest level in you.

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