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I want to ask this girl out on a date, but im sure of the right words to say to her when i call her, we jsut met last night and my friend talked to her today and was asking her about me and she said yeah thats cute. so im going to ask her but i can find the words to say. pls Help!!!!!!!1

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To start with u can talk to her about last night like "it was really fun last night when we did xxx"..and LISTEN to wat she says and not wat ur gonna say NEXT!..and when she says something like "yeah that was really fun"..Thats the time when u shld say "we should do this again or we or ask her out straight away!"..alrite one more advice..dont plan ne thing..cuz when u plan u tend to get nervous..and then it becomes really weird...so just let it flow...besides ur kind of sure its gonna be a yes rite!..so just be confident...

hope this helps!

have fun..good luck bro!

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