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do friends ever get back together?


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well the girl i was going out for 2 months and i decided to stick to just being friends for now cause we both had no time for relationships and because we were kinda bored of each other(she got bored of me cause i was too slow to make a move and never did anything fun with her i guess)....but what are the chances that if we ever become real close friends...that we might get back together like in a year or so? is that a big possibility or am i just dreaming?

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from experiance I say it's possible. my boyfirend and I went throught that. we went out about three years ago and it sounds like the exact same thing happened. anyways we dated other people for a while and were just friends then ummm i think it was earlier this year ( not sure exactly when) we got back together. so i say it's quite possible.

good luck.

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I agree with the above post. It probably rarely happens as in 1 out of a 100. If the relationship didn't work the first time around then it probably won't the second time. I think one of the hardest things that men and women have to deal with between them is that just because there's a connection it doesn't mean that a relationship has to come out of it.


My advice, if you really like her as a person then be friends, but you need to move on with your life. I'm telling you right now, there's a better girl out there for you. One of my ex-gf's and I have become like brother and sister. Why, because although we love each other as a people we knew the relationship wouldn't last the long haul. We both knew at the end that we should've remained friends. Thing is the reason why it works for both of us is because neither of us has any intention of getting back together. I guess that's my point, you can't be friends if you want more. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or girl, someone is going to feel like they're being strung along.


Who knows, maybe one of the best friendships of your life can come out of this, but a chance of having a relationship in the future....probably not.


Good luck either way and keep everyone here posted.

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I beg to disagree with the 1 of 100 work in getting back together....


I have known more than one couple getting back together, I know of many,

many people who have got back together...


SOmetimes they work it out quickly or it may be a year later but it happens much more than you state....


The one thing is that the connection is there and they love and care for each other....Also they move past what happened in the past...They remained friends while not together and alot of them have worked on what they needed to or things were not greener on the other side and admit there mistake....


You need to be friends in order to get back together!!!

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Happened to me n my ex, can read my previous posts to see.......


we broke up, friends for 8 months, got back together........


its not about if ur friends or not ,nor time, its whether or not there is still love n deep care for one another, thats what pulls it thru.......


you shouldnt wait in hope of that tho, move on, live for urself, work on yourself, let things happen as they do.......


alot f it is about patience, acceptance and not holding on in hope, cos holding on in hope causes stress, stress causes fights, which causes distance which causes problems and more complications, u need to get over her in order to be her friend first.........

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I think that it is possible to get back together with an ex if you are friends. The only problem though is that if you want to get back together with your ex you cannot be friends. You can talk every once in a while(once every 3-4 weeks) but you cannot hang out, talk everyday. You cannot be "true" friends b/c of your past at this time.


Once you have moved on then you can start a friendship. Then you take it from there.


Kind of funny how that works huh.


If you want your ex back then you have to move on.

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