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Mk this goes back to about a month ago. My best friend Erik takes this girl Laura to a dance. Im into this other girl that im taking, but things feel apart after the dance between me and her, just like what happened to Erik and Laura, but instead of Laura talking to him, she just ignored him and avoided him. Erik was really into Laura, and it really crushed him. So I talked to Laura about it, and Laura talked to him and stuff, and Erik was still into her. The hardest part is that Laura is gorgeous. And he just didnt want to let her go. But eventually he says to me Yeah Im over her completely.

That weekend, I was talking to laura, and she and her friend wanted to go do something but laura didnt have a car, so i drove them around, and we went to Caribou for like 3 hours. Now what surprised me there was that I never thought girls like these would A.) want to hang with me B.) talk to me for 3 hours. Ive had some talks with people, mainly about 4 other people than erik, for 3 and more hours, and we can talk about anything we want, without any discomfort. Erik and I feel that girls like that are extremely good in our books. So that really hit me, I just talked with a gorgeous girl for a long time about everything. And it hit her too, she thought of me as some perverted boy that goes to school with her, just like everyother boy shes ever met, but people said that she was surprised that night, and she saw a totally different side of me.

So we started talking more, saying hi in the halls, making our way around school so we could talk for even a minute. Then I went to NYC this past weekend and I got back last night, and I talked to her and she said i could come over and give her the stuff i bought for her in nyc. We ended up talking for about an hour about our weekend, and then about everything else. So I needed to stop by Eriks before it got too late, so we hugged, then I went to my car, and she said something, so i go back and talk with her for another 5 minutes, and I waved to her when i was standing next to her, and then i was like, that was a weak goodbye, and she said something that just sealed it "what do you want from me?" Now that for me insured her saying "come here." so I said "this" and i kissed her. Looked at her, turned and walked away. I thought I had just scored.


Her friend said that was a bad move, and she thought of me as a friend and she was into someone else. Right then, I nearly yelled out loud, but I kept it under. The problem is that Erik and I had this whole argument how I should have told him i was into Laura, for the whole week, and we yelled at eachother today, since i didnt tell him i went to lauras before i went to his house, me saying hes not my mother. But this whole argument could have been avoided for good.


What I dont understand, is how laura led me on, when she thought she didnt. Whenever we talked, she would smile and giggle, laugh, compliment me, and look me square in the eye, like there was nothing or no one else around.


And so now Im just thinking, god damn, if i hadnt moved in i would be so happy but no. Like I was thinking about her the whole time i was in NYC, and I had such high hopes that this was going to work, but no.


I need to know what i did wrong with the signs thing, and dont give me crap about going for my best friends crush, I knew what i was getting into, kinda.

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You were thinking because she was being so friendly, that she liked you. Did she ever blush around you, or did you see eye contact? As you stated after you kissed her, than it really was proved to be just friendship. I think you looked to close into things, when she simply smiled and talked. Things like this can happen, when your too absorbed into someone. Good luck resolving this though.

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Sometimes it is difficult to see what people are feeling, especially if they are flirting/playing around with you, but are actually not feeling that way - they are just having fun...


Which of course leads to the awkward situation where someone makes a move and the reaction is not quite as planned!


But I'm glad that you two are still friends and are moving past it!

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