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My ex and i broke up 8 months ago, we have remained VERY good friends, close to best friends since the break. we broke up cos of some personal issues he was havin n he needed to deal with alone, n that meant he wasnt eady or able to be in serious rship. we were otgether a yr.


we did take some space from each other immediately after the break but caught up n started hangin out etc about 5 months later.


The thing is now that we have been hangin out 2 - 3 times a week for the past 3 months i am confused with how i feel about him. All i hear from ppl around me incl my parents n best friends is how good we r with one another, n how much respect n love there is between us, but he broke up with me n i hav told him since in ways that i have moved on, and i had, but it seems maybe now i am beginin to feel things again....mayb e...i duno.


i used to be more dependant on him, sice break i have new hobbies, friends, job n am much happier, also do am busy alot more etc


he also has improved his life n what he needed to fix b4.


anyways the big question is this.....last night at like 2 am we were just chattin n watchin cable when we were talking bout stuf fn the topic of what if one of us starts dating again came up. I said to him 'i wonder if we would stay friends if one of us got a new bf/gf and he said 'YEAH' like of course........this has bothered me because it makes me think that he hasnt thought about it/ worried about it, and that he woul dbe fine with me goin out with someone else?! i mentioned how we wouldnt prob be able to stay friends, atleast not the way we are as it would be worng for us ot hang out 2 - 3 times a week at each others houses if we were in a new rship with someone else, then he didnt say anything.


is him being able to be my friend if i do get a new bf mean he is toatly over me? that he doesnt care if i move on? that he doesnt have nay feleings for me anymore?


thing is alot ppl been mentionin the way he looks at me, way he looks after me n has been treating me, n they r all sayin that he still has feleings, that they way he is with me is amazin........so i guess maybe i was hoping that was true........


also last night we were kinda flirting liek tickling n stuff n puttin ice cream on each others faces when i said to him that he had to give me a foot massage.......he just looked at me, n then i got the drift he wasnt going to (lol) so it was kinda like a joke but the fact he didnt makes me think he doesnt wanna get bck together.......am i bein silly n way over analyzing or do these things mean he doesnt wanna get bck together?


he does stay till like 4 am even tho im tired n wanan go to bed, n he massages my shoulders for me when im stressed, n he leans into me n other things but wouldnt massage my foot so idunno maybe it was too close?

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I think because you had such a good relationship that of course your still going to be touchy feely with eachother. In my view i think its hard to come out a serious relationship and be m8s cause i know if i broke up wit my boyf id hate to see him with another girl even if we broke up on good terms. The fact that it seems you too love and care so much for eachotha causes you to to act like that around eachotha..that doesnt mean your reading to much into things..and when he said i wouldnt mind if you had a boyf i think he cares so much about you that your happiness comes 1st so if you had a boyf and he made you happy why wouldnt your ex be ok with that? and who knows what the future holds for you too?

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