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OK, does this make me a user...


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I recently met this girl and we started talking. I thought we really hit it off at first. We have a lot of things in common. But the more I talk to her I find her kinda annoying. She interrupts me constantly and I can't get a word in edgewise. I went to her house earlier today and she lives like a pig. There was garbage everywhere, etc.


But, when I met her she told me she plays the violin. This is something I have wanted to do since I was a teenager. I just couldn't afford to pay for the lessons and for the violin itself. She has offered to give me lessons at a next-to-nothing proce. She also has two violins and she is willing to loan me one to learn on.


I am happy being aquaintances with her. I can't see myself being good close friends with her though. So if I continue hanging out with her based on this one thing she can do for me, how bad a person does that make me?


I know I'll probably get flamed, but I want to hear opinions...

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I suppose it would be make you a user. But you can just look at as a proffesional basis. Think of her as a teacher and your a student, if you just want to be acquitences. But if you hang out with her in addition to teaching you violen lessons, you should accept the outcome and consequences of your actions. Good luck.

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Why don't you tell her how you feel about your lack of feelings for her? Don't think about the violin lessons only. You can actually use it to your advantage if you wanted to though. If you break up with her and she is heart broken, let her know that you would like to be her friend and that you also think she is extremely talented with the violin, so you would like to keep her bc she is such a good "teacher". If that does not work, then just pay her for the classes, Im sure she won't be too mean about it.

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