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Diggity's Dating Advice, Nice Guys WAKE UP!

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Melrich, I understand what you are saying, and you are right to a degree. Different types of motivational messages work on some people, and others it does not.


The way I worded this message works for some people, and others it does not. I could have rewritten that message, but it was so much easier to cut&paste that post I wrote 2 years ago then to rewrite one today. However, it's not like I don't have some free time since it is slow here at work, and my points really do help a LOT of guys, so allow me to work on it today, and I will repost and add to this message using a different approach.

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Meet a girl, keep the conversation short, and freaking close the deal! Get those digits or a date right away!


You know it is funny but I have heard some people on this site go against this principle when that is exactly the same thing that I have used countless times to get the digits...


You see the way I got to it was simple...when a salesman is trying to sell a product, if they simply go on talking about it and such and never get to the part where they then ask the person, in whatever way, if they want to buy it and such, the buyer might just keep on talking and such and just think that that was a nice person. If you have ever been in sales you kind of know what closing the deal means...It means just that, you have to close the deal or it won't close by itself.


Anyways I thought it was funny how Diggity used exactly the same words that I would tell myself when closing in on the number...and I get the number too.

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Anyways I thought it was funny how Diggity used exactly the same words that I would tell myself when closing in on the number...and I get the number too.


The reason i worded it like that is because it is true-as you obviously know from experience. My target audience is for the guys who just can't quite do it. The target audience are guys who get nervous and put way too much pressure on themselves, and the only thing they are comfortable enough to do with the object of their affection is just to chat with her to generate conversation. That in itself isn't bad, but these guys almost go out of their way to keep their interest hidden. Why? If you are interested, talk to her, and close the deal. Ask for her number then and there. There is nothing wrong with that, and if you are worried about what they "think" about you, then that's just silly and you need to quit caring about other people so much. If you are a good guy, then that positive trait will be picked up by her, even if you have the balls to ask her for her number early on.


My girlfriend is a very skeptical girl when it comes to guys, and I still picked her up this way. When I ask her what I did differently than the other guys she turned down, she said that my smile to her was genuine. She loved my smile and it made her smile. I still was aggressive enough to get an answer the first night we met, and I got the number. Here we are two and half years later, and living togethr. Things are great.


So guys, don't be too shy to close the deal. Don't worry about whether or not she will think you are a player. If you are not a player, then you are not. It's not your job to convince her, just be yourself and persue your goal of dating the girl. The longer you wait, the more likely you will spend time talking to her under the guise of friendship, and the longer that happens the more likely that is all you will ever be. It doesn't hurt to find out whether or not you have a chance ASAP.

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Melrich, I understand what you are saying, and you are right to a degree. Different types of motivational messages work on some people, and others it does not.


The way I worded this message works for some people, and others it does not. I could have rewritten that message, but it was so much easier to cut&paste that post I wrote 2 years ago then to rewrite one today. However, it's not like I don't have some free time since it is slow here at work, and my points really do help a LOT of guys, so allow me to work on it today, and I will repost and add to this message using a different approach.

For me, it's not just the wording in the message that is offensive and disagreeable. I object to your whole attitude and overall premise. Your way of expressing it just happens to add an additional aspect about why I disagree with you. IOW reworking the language is not the only problem IMO. But I see that others seem to find some of what you offer useful and helpful. I just have a totally different opinion about it overall and just feel it's important to input that.


And just so you know, my disagreement doesn't stem from misunderstanding you, and neither is it related to a "youngish" age. In fact, if "smarts" was based on age in the way you suggested earlier, then logically, I'm almost twice as smart as you. But I wouldn't actually ever suggest such a thing because I don't believe that age and wisdom have any correlation whatsoever. I happen to know too many old people who are hopeless idiots, and also too many young ones who are full of wisdom.

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