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Question for the ladies


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Put yourself in this situation.


You're in college and there is this really shy guy in your class. You don't speak to him very often, but you have a good idea that he is interested in you (you catch him looking at you every so often and he quickly looks away, etc.). You don't have a b/f.


The question is, how would you react if, one day, he asked you out?


I'm not saying this guy is me (although it is ), but I am looking for honest opinions here, not "Just talk to her" or "Take it slow" or anything like that.


And I don't just want positive comments. By this I mean, if you don't think anything positive would happen then tell me that.

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It is going to depend on the girl. Some girls can be catty and not care about your shyness and yawn. But if she's like me, pretty happy-go-lucky, down to earth and friendly, I would want you to approach me and talk to me. Confidence is the key and a huge turn-on. Good luck.

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Here's the deal, and this is my honest opinion:


If it comes totally out of the blue, than it might come off the wrong way. Meaning, you should start up a conversation with her and just have some casual chit chat with her. Get to know a brief "outline" of her and her interests. Maybe don't even ask her the first time. Certainly don't make it anything as formal as dinner or a meal. Maybe after your first convo, ask her for her number. The next time you talk with her, maybe try suggesting you two go out rather than directly asking (i.e. maybe we could grab a cup of coffee [a nice casual idea of a 'date'] sometime). If she gives an affirmative reply, call her the next day or two and set up a time.


As long as you play it cool, you should be fine. Luck be with you



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I'd be flattered...but would probably not agree right away...I would prefer to have at least a couple conversations, exchange phone numbers and then go on a date if that goes well. I'd prefer to basically "feel each other out" first, find out interests, lifestyle, personality (in general terms of course). And then if he picked up on one of my interests, or something I was interested in and asked me out on a date based on that, I would very likely say no (ie if I said I was into hiking and foreign films as example, and he suggested a Sunday hike followed by the foreign film fest, well, I'd think "cool!".)


I mean, you don't really know HER yet either, right, so wouldn't it be best to talk a bit before asking them out and gage if you really do have interest? It only needs to be a couple talks/chats, but start a rapport first to see if a date would even be enjoyable!


But every girl is different, some may say yes right away, some may say no...it varies.

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Confidence is important. You do not have to be super loud, conversational etc. but if she is attracted to you in any way, she will probably accept. The only way to find out is to try. If she refuses, don't be let down. Take it a step back and ask for her number, email, or maybe even ask her to study together one day. Like that she will get to know you and then feel more confortable going on a date with you.


I have a story myself. My now boyfriend of 1 1/2 yrs. randomly asked me to be his valentines. I did not know him very well, so I turned him down bc I would rather spent it with my single friends partying. However, he did not give up, he asked me for my number and called me every so often until I got confortable getting to know him and hanging out with him. We started to hang out as friends at his house and then talking about each other etc...Then one thing lead to another and now were are happily together!

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Put yourself in this situation.


You're in college and there is this really shy guy in your class. You don't speak to him very often, but you have a good idea that he is interested in you (you catch him looking at you every so often and he quickly looks away, etc.). You don't have a b/f.


The question is, how would you react if, one day, he asked you out?


I'm not saying this guy is me (although it is ), but I am looking for honest opinions here, not "Just talk to her" or "Take it slow" or anything like that.


And I don't just want positive comments. By this I mean, if you don't think anything positive would happen then tell me that.




i have done what u guys just said above-askin the girl out right away and didn;t really develop a lot of rapport ,but did talk to her and got friendly with her- i got a NO i have a lot of homework, maybe next time, worst of all 3 days later she told her friend, her friend told other friends and i was the gossip of the college-yes College and i go to a small school too.

i really liked this girl too and still think about it-not sure why i do , but i do. i really though see liked me-glances, looks but hey asked her and i got a NO. what can u do

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