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Ladies, advice please, why does she try to make me jealous


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I need some help everybody. I am noticing a pattern with some of my relationships that is starting to trouble me. I am beginning to wonder if there is something that I am doing to cause it, I just need to know what. I know its probably very hard to say since you don't know me but please any advice is welcome. It seems every girl that I date ends up doing a lot of things to try to make me jealous. I am not easily prone to jealousy, but eventually I can get jealous. I think it is normal in some situations, especially if the other person is trying to cause it.


Every girl I've dated has done something like this. Either doing things to try to get me jealous while we are dating or after we've broken up try to make me jealous that I am not still with them. And when I say every girl I mean EVERY GIRL without fail. Is there something that I am doing or not doing that could be causing this? Ladies, if you have ever done something like this, can you tell me honestly why you felt you needed to do it? I am not judging the behavior, I guess I just don't understand it and it ends up being a very frustrating situation in a relationship. It happens to me every time, and please believe me I am not really a jealous person. Forgive me if I am being completely stupid here.


As for jealousy after the fact, my philosophy in relationships is that you try your hardest to make things work, but if it doesn't work out its too bad but there isn't usually much reason to remain in each others lives. I wish them the best but I wouldn't probably have the most honest intentions if I stuck around and vice versa. Trying to make me jealous, especially if they are the one that ended the relationship is sort of childish.


Why do you ladies try to make a guy jealous? Please tell me

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Ok well, Im not a jealous person now Im older but was when i was younger. But I remember having a boyfriend that was not a jealous type and he wouldnt never get jealous not even a tiny weeny bit....I think I took this for a lack of feeling. I was madly in love with him and did feel some jealousy at times...it drove me crazy that he didnt have any jealousy...I thought it meant he didnt care..........fast forward to now.....I dont thinK jealousy is a very useful emotion...but even so I still think in a close loving relationship a tiny bit might be a healthy indication that there is feelings for someone present.

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They may not know that they are doing it. But some might know full well what they are doing and are using it as a sort of test, to see how much interest you have in them.

You say that this is the case with most women you date.

Have you considered changing what kind of women you go for, if it bothers you that much?


What kind of things do they do that gets to you?

I'm imagining things like, flirting with other guys.

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I know a girl online who admitted she loved making guys jealous


Some older girl who i saw briefly last year and briefly this year, not sure right now how much ill see her again, long story. Anyways, she goes on about her ex's about how great and gorgeous most of them were. It got me very jealous. Im not sure if it was for bragging rights or to make me jealous. She would go on about one of them being so good looking she could ly there all day in bed looking at him. Another one had a body that would just leave her jaw constantly on the floor. Fact is, I dont want to know, and it made me feel like I just wasent upto scratch despite being a good looking guy with quite a good physique, add in that im a nice guy, and im not a bad package. Fact 2, is that she hasent just lied in bed with me and stared into my face all day, im lucky to get a hour in bed with her in the mornings before she suggests a taxi. And i dont cause her mouth to drop from my physique. So basically to sum up I feel that im not that special. Although she does compliment me for my looks and physique, i just feel that im not up their with her best, and i dont need to know this.


To be honest, shes not perfect. Shes not extremely attractive. She has a stomach on her. Least if she was bang out 10/10 in everyones books then at least it would feel more justified for her to judge other peoples looks and physiques, although this is very shallow and vain. Dont get me wrong, I think she is GORGEOUS. To me she looks extremely beautiful, and i love her body, i find her stomach cute as. Ive never liked a girl more in my life. To me she is that 10/10 girl. Im just saying on the whole that she isnt every1s cup of tea. She is def mine tho.


I compliment her a lot, and i genuinely mean it cause like i said, i find her, lookswise, pretty much perfect. The funniest thing about all of this is that one night i was out without her. Next day she asked if there were any good looking women out. I joked there was this girl who was as hot as her....... yep, she told me i was "tacless". Yep, incredible. Been out and about for nights with her and without her during the time i was seeing her and i really didnt see any other girl as attractive, then i jokingly said i saw a girl as attractive as her (i didnt like her as much, but she was very attractive) in a playful make her jealous way and she was very unhappy. hhmmmmm......so i have to listen to her face to face about her past bfs, how one is so good looking she could stare at him all day and the other with a physique that made her drool and im meant to just except this and not feel a tad jealous and annoyed and i make 1 reference that there is another girl out there in this big wide world which is actually as good looking as her and she has a go at me. Could the girl be any more hippocritical (spelt?)


Unfortunately im no John Travolta. I dont like dancing. She does. She loves the attention she gets from dancing. Makes me jealous. Im not going out with her right now, but met up with her last weekend. We kind of agreed to meet up now and then because we like each other, but to try not make it serious as the problem is that im too young for her, hence why im not seeing her now. Anyways, so we meet up, were getting on fine, chatting away, kissing, heck, even managed to dance a little with her etc. for the night its just me and her. She dances with my mate, which i dont mind much as long as im not left alone too long. But then she dances with some other guy "because hes a really good dancer honey", she said she didnt like him though in terms of looks. But she goes off dancing with him having fun, and im just left with my friend while this girl i really like dances with this other guy. Im jealous. Im sorry, but i could almost guarantee she would not be impressed if it was the other way round. If I left her to dance with another girl, i could see her not being happy and storming out. Again, very hippocritical.


Sorry, waffling on a bit here. Point is, im the same. From my experience their are a fair few girls out there who like making us guys jealous. I guess its to make us like the girl more?

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